20 Dollar Nose Bleed

333 17 7

*Jack’s POV*


I pull into my driveway and turn off the car but neither of us move.  “Jack?” Alex whispers.

“Yes, Alex?”

“Is she going to come take me away?  Don’t let her hurt me again, Jack,” he says, sounding like such a scared little kid that I just want to hold him.

“Alexander William, she isn’t taking you anywhere, I just got you back.  And she isn’t going to hurt you ever again so long as I’m around.”  He nods slightly and starts to get out of the car.  I follow his lead and I pull out my phone to send a quick text as we go inside and into the living room.  He sits on the couch and I sit on the other side, leaving plenty of space between us, and he looks hurt.  “We need to talk about some things,” I offer, but he doesn’t look like he quite understands why that means I have to sit so far away.  “You’re obviously not doing well and as much as I know you don’t want to talk about it, we have to.  What did she do to you?”

“She’s just...really...abusive.  She hit me, a lot.  She would also insult you all the time and I would try to defend you so she’d get pissed.  Every day she made me feel like shit.”

“Well.  I will definitely have to talk to her about that.  But um...did you guys...like...ever um…” I clear my throat, “Did you guys do anything?”  He blushes and looks down.

“I’m sorry, Jack,” he whispers and my stomach drops.  Then he looks up at me and pleads, “I never kissed her back, I swear!  I couldn’t do it.  I would refuse to respond so she would hit me and eventually give up.  I just thought of you every time and it made me sick that it was her instead.”

“Wait so you guys never went farther than kissing?”  I ask incredulously.  He shakes his head.  “Oh thank god.  By the way you reacted at first I thought you guys, like, had sex,” I mumble the last few words.

“Ew, no.  I mean she begged me to but I absolutely couldn’t.”

“Why not?  You used to think she was attractive.”

“Um one, she’s a girl and I don’t roll that way anymore.  Two, she’s not you.”  He smiles slightly at me.  “And we agreed our first times would be together,” he mumbles so quietly I almost don’t believe I heard him.



“Well, that’s good news I guess,” I sigh.

“Have you...um...dated anyone since...?” Alex asks nervously.  I just laugh so he raises his eyebrows.

“No, I haven’t.  I-”  Suddenly the doorbell rings, interrupting me.  Alex jumps, flings his hand out, and grabs my arm.  Poor Alex.  He’s so terrified of Dumb Bitch.  I smile reassuringly at him and get up to get the door.

“Don’t leave me!” he yells as he gets up and grabs the back of my shirt.  He follows extremely close behind me, stepping on my heels multiple times before we get to the door.  I open it to see Rian and Zack standing there bickering about whether or not Zack should return to school because he doesn’t feel right ditching.

“Hey guys,” I interrupt their arguing and draw attention to myself.

“See, Rian, he’s not dead or dying so can I go back to school?”  Zack whines.

“Shut up, Zack.  He said it’s really important and to come as soon as possible.”  Rian says.

“Um yeah, I meant after school.  How did you guys leave early?”  I ask.

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