22: Burn

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Nana looked at Jack; he was cover in red patches from where the silver burned him. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Don't worry about me," he smiled. "Mom, you and Nana need to get out." He stood. "I'll try to break this window."

"Jack," she sighed. "I am sorry for everything that I put you through. You didn't have a childhood because of me."

"It's okay," he said. "I didn't mind."

The door opened. "Don't even; the windows are build out of silver. Now then." He dumped gasoline on the floor. "There we go." He closed the door. "Now we can die together."

Nana held on to Jack. He was not ready to die, not like this. Burning alive, it sounds painful. He clings to Jack. 

"You won't get away with this," she said. "I will find a way to get us out, and you can die on your own."

"I don't think so," he held a lighter. "I spend years trying to make you happy, taking care of two kids that weren't mine. And for what? So that they can try and kill me. No, I won't let that happen again. So say goodbye, and I will see you all in hell. Because that is we belong, us vampires." He dropped the lighter, and the place lit up. Nana climbed on the bed, but it was no use. The sprinkles turned on, and it didn't drop water but silver. He screamed out. 

Jack tried to open the window, but it was useless. It burns his hands.

Silver, the deadliest orb for a vampire they are the only race that hasn't develop an immune system. And who knows when they'll achieve that.

Nana curled up on the bed. It seems he is going to die. He won't be able to see Danny or Cloud anymore. The silver kept raining down on them, and the fire kept spreading. Smoke filled the room; Jack kept banging the window. All while their father laughed.

"Mom," Jack pulled her away from the fire. "Damn it; there is nowhere to go. We can't escape."

"I'm so sorry," she cried. "I should've had killed your father a long time ago."

"You should've," he laughed. "Now, I am going to take your lives. We will die and sink to the bottom of the ocean. And no one is going to find our bodies."

"I can die knowing you are not related to us," Jack said. "That is the only thing that makes me happy. And if we go to hell, you won't get away easily. Your punishment will be much greater than ours."

Nana heard him screamed. He sat up saw as the flames consumed him. Nana scooted back. "Mom."

"It's okay I am here," she held him. "At least we are together; I am sorry for not being a better mother. I wish I can change things. I should've had told you two the truth a long time ago. But I hesitated, thinking it would only hurt you." She hugged him tightly. Jack joined in. "But it didn't matter; you still got hurt."

"Our father was a wolf," Jack said. "Because I am a half-wolf."

"Yes," she said. "And Nana, well, I don't know. You never showed signs of being a wolf too. You were born a girl, but over time your body changed. You still have a woman's body but without the breast and vagina. I did try to contact your father, but he never answers my letters. I guess he killed him." They looked at the body burning.

Nana clings to her.

It's the end. 

Nana gasp as he heard a loud crack. "That didn't sound go-." He didn't get to finished he was sent flying back. He felt his skin burn.

Nana screamed out in pain. 

"Nana!" He heard Jack and his mother calling out to him. But he couldn't speak. He began to sink.

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