12: Second Victim

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Danny woke up to someone screaming. He rolled off the bed and stepped out to the balcony, and saw teachers and students around someone.

He went back inside and slipped his shirt on and shoes on and went out and made his way through the crowd.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"It's Lilac," Alice said. "I got up early because I needed to meet Cat at the craft room and work on some decorations. And I found Lilac stumbling, then she fainted. And now she is waking up."

"Like Miley," Danny whisper.

"Okay, everyone, go back to sleep or whatever you were doing," Kaden said. "Go."

"Come on," Logan led Alice away.

Danny went back to his dorm. "Again?" Ashton asked.

"Yes," Danny sat down on the couch. "What is going on? Who is doing this?"

"It seems someone is trying to frame Cat," Ashton said. "I mean, everything is pointing to her."

"But it's not her," Danny said. "I sensed Cat far away, in the crafting room. So it's someone else."

"Well," Ashton sighed. "Who would want to frame Cat?"

"I don't know," Danny frowned. "But I will let the grown-ups deal with that. Well, right now, I have to start packing."

Danny, spend a few hours of the morning packing up a few things. Then it was time to head to class. But first, he went to pick Nana up and dropped Cloud off with his mother. After that, they went to class.

"How did you sleep?" Danny asked. "He wasn't a bother, right?"

"Nope," Nana rubbed his chest.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Well," Nana smiled. "I woke up to find Cloud under my shirt, suckling on my nipples."

Danny narrows his eyes. "That little brat."

Nana chuckled. "He's a baby; let him be. Anyway, I heard what happened. Who would've had done that to Lilac?"

"I don't know," Danny said. "But Alana and Alice are worried. I hope the culprit is caught and soon before someone else falls victim to that spell. It's a good thing you and I are going to stay in the same dorm."

He smiled. "Yeah, and I feel sorry for Cat. I heard they took her in for questioning. Imagine how scared she must be."

"I'm free!" Cat yelled.

"Ah, she doesn't look scared to me," he chuckled.

Nana laughed. "I course she doesn't. I forgot Cat doesn't scare easily."

"Anyways, let's hurry to class," Danny said.

Nana nodded.

Danny was in the middle of his third-class when they heard a commotion outside. He looked out the window and saw three lycans on the loose. Danny cursed.

He would help, but he can't risk losing control. Thankfully the adults were able to tame them.

Danny sat back down. Something is going on, and he will figure it out.

After classes were over, he met Nana at the infirmary where a small fire was getting put out.

"Let me guess; Cloud sneezed," Danny smiled.

"Yup," Nana held Cloud.

"He's a cutie," Salome said. "But that breathing fire thing will be a problem."

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