13: New Room

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Nana looked around the room. "Wow, it's bigger."

"Yup," Danny smiled. "Anyways, let's start unpacking. I am glad we finished it on time. And Thanksgiving is tomorrow night. I can't wait."

"Yup," Nana set Cloud down in the playpen. "There we go. Let's get unpacking."

"I heard the new students are arriving in thanksgiving," Danny said.

"I know," he smiled. "I'll be great. By the way, I didn't want to tell you not to worried, you. But Jack is here."

"What?" Danny frowned. "And?"

"He came to see me yesterday, " Nana said. "He wanted to talk about something. But I told him I couldn't; that I was busy. But we agreed we would talk about he gets the vile back." Nana put away some clothes. "Danny, Jack saw a girl with black and white hair handed the vile of blood to someone at the docks. Jack is going to try and get your back."

"Damn it," Danny sighed. "When?"

"Jack said he was going to try and get it last night," Nana said. "But I don't know."

"Let's hoped he does and doesn't blackmail you with it," Danny said.

"I would never do that," Nana gasp.

"Don't do that," Nana sighed. "How did you get here?"

"Sneaking around," he said. "And here." He took out a box and handed it to Danny.

Danny grabbed it and opened it. A tube of blood was inside. "It's my blood, alright. What were they going to use it for, I wonder?"

"To take wolves," Jack said. "Or maybe us vampires."

"Who was the guy?" Nana asked.

"I don't know, but I left him in front of the office with a note," he said. "He has some juicy information. And he's a human."

"What information?" Danny asked.

"I not only found your blood," Jack said. "But four kids inside a box. They were shackled. It seems that man is part of a ring fight for wolves. That is what I got from his memories. But those kids aren't from this school. They are rogue."

"Again?" Danny sighed. "When will these ring fights stop. My family has gone through a lot with those. What else tell us everything. And also, anything you need to tell Nana, you say it in front of me. No secrets."

"Okay," Jack picked up Cloud. "First of all, I saw this kid in that man's memories. He stole the egg from the high wizard and was going to take it to his boss and use him to take down clans."

"Ah," Nana frowned. "That sounds cruel."

"But this little guy escaped," Jack said. "Somehow, he could do that from inside his egg." Jack smiled. "This little one is the last of his kind. The high wizard found it and kept it safe in hopes of breeding it and restoring his clan."

"I see," Nana looked in the kitchen. "Continue."

Jack nod. "I saw the man in this vast warehouse full of cages with people. And he was speaking to the boss, something about getting revenge on Drake and Clay. And destroying their clan. And they'll be using rogues. I think that is why they needed the blood to create more like you."

"Those bastards," Danny glare. "I swear I'll destroy them first."

"Not unless you want to kill the children," he said. "All the rogue are kids. Anyways he got orders to come here and get your blood; it seems they knew about you. They had a folder with information about you and your parents. And I saw someone's face. She had green eyes, and they reflect when the lights hit them, like a cat. She spoke very, cheerful."

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