16: Terror

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Nana woke up early to make breakfast. He went to check on Danny and Cloud. He smiled.

Cloud was sideways with his feet on Danny's face. Nana snapped a picture and stepped out.

He gasps. "Damn it, Jack. How did you get in?"

"I picked the lock on the window," he said. "Relax, no one saw me. Is Danny up?"

"Not yet," he said. "What wrong?"

"Cat is missing," he said. "It seems she never made it to her dorm. They found her discarded clothes, shoes, and a choker near the docks."

"What?" Danny stepped out of the room with Cloud in his arms. "Have they not found her?"

"No," Jack said. "I woke up at four when someone found her things. They also found blood. They send divers to look for her in the water. The teachers are saying she committed suicide. Because she got accused of hurting Miley, Lilac, and Ashton."

"No," Danny shook his head. "I saw her last night. She was doing fine. She wouldn't do that."

"Did you know her?" Jack said. "Like did you ever wonder why she dresses like that? I went through her profile. Yeah, I snuck in. And she had a lot of issues. Her mother died when she was five. She was sent to live with her aunt, who disliked her. She was alone. No one in her tribe liked her because of what she was. A white witch. A curse."

Nana sets plates on the table. "I can understand why Cat would throw herself in the ocean. But I know she's alive. Someone must be framing her."

"You could be right," Jack said. "I did see someone else. I don't know who she is, but she was near the docks. I don't know what she was doing. And I couldn't see clearly."

"Damn," Danny sat down. "I want this to stop and to do that. I need to give myself up."

"No," Nana said. "I won't let you. Now sit down and eat."

Nana set the coffee and juice on the table. He won't let Danny give himself up. That won't happen.

After breakfast, he had to go out. "I'll be okay; I need to return the book." He grabbed the umbrella. "Stay here with Cloud. Jack, you stay here too. We can't risk someone seeing you. It is busy right now even under this rain."

"Keep your phone on," Danny kissed him. "Hurry back."

He nodded and walked out. He unfolded the umbrella and stepped out into the rain. He could see his breath.

It's so foggy. Nana could barely see the people around. But he made it to the library. Nana dropped the book in the book drop. He stood under the roof and looked around.

He waited for a bit before heading out. On the way, he bumped into someone. "Sorry."

"No, my apologies," it was Flurry. "How is baby Cloud?"

"He's great," Nana said.

"Good," she smiled. "Since we bumped into each other, want to go get some coffee in town? I know it's a long way. But I don't want to go by myself. I don't know anyone here, and I'm a bit shy to ask anyone."

Nana hesitated. Something kept telling him to decline. But he can't be rude. And it'll only be coffee. It won't take long.

"Okay," Nana smiled. "Let's hurry. Danny is waiting for me."

"Thanks," Flurry said. "Lead the way."

Nana led the way.

And halfway, he stopped. "You know what? I forgot my wallet. I should head back."

Book 2: Bite MeWhere stories live. Discover now