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PARKER PARRISH HAS NEVER FELT ANYTHING MORE painful in his life— which was really saying something because he has played many sports since he was even able to walk. He may have broke a few bones here and there while playing all those sports, but it was never as big as this one. When he arrived at the hospital, it felt as if time was moving by so slow just for him. What felt like three hours to just get him into a room, was really only about fifteen minutes.

His father was rushed to his side, having someone take over the current patient he was working with so that he could be with his son.

It was the same night now, and Parker was no longer feeling the same amount of pain he was experiencing earlier in the day. The entire left side of his upper body felt numb, which was probably the result of whatever his dad had him take. He didn't speak to him— he was too upset. Not only at himself, but at the fact that he let it all happen.

Then there was the fact that just a few hours ago, he was told that he wouldn't be able to finish this lacrosse season. Which, for Parker, was more than enough to upset him. This was the year that the scouts were starting to come to his games, and if he wasn't even playing then there goes any chance of him getting a scholarship to college. This meant everything to Parker, and it was his only shot of getting into a college with an outstanding Lacrosse team.

With his mom being "missing", there was no way his father would be able to help pay for college and he did not want to take out any student loans to put even more pressure on the Parrish family.

With a sigh, the middle Parrish child used his right hand to fix the blanket that his father put over him due to the coldness in the room. It didn't help much. The material of the blanket was too thin for him, but he was able to build up enough body heat to keep himself warm.

He closed his eyes, taking a few deep breaths as he lay in the hospital bed. His mind then drifted to his sister, Paisley. The thought of her still in Eichen made his skin crawl still; however it was only for a few more days.

A few more days until she finds out what happened to me, Parker thought.

The sound of the door opening caused him to open his eyes again. Figuring that it was his dad, he closed his eyes again and said,"I want to be alone right now."

"And dwell on the fact that you couldn't stop it?" he said—however it wasn't was his father.

Parker's eyes shot open and he slightly turned his head (he couldn't move it much) to look at the doorway. Leaning up against the doorframe was Derek Hale. "I know what you tried to do," Derek took a step inside and kicked door shut, letting it slowly close with a slam,"but do you?" When Parker didn't say anything, he continued on. "You're strong, Parker, and I know what you're capable of."

"I don't know what I thought I was doing." Parker mumbled, clenching his right fist as tight as he could due to the anger that was building up inside of him.

"No,"Derek said with a slight sigh,"but you have an idea." He moved to the table that was set beside the wall near the door, crossing his arms over his chest and looking at the teenage boy with a straight face. "And I can help you."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Parker rolled his eyes. He then trailed his eyes back to Derek, thinking of the night that Jackson asked for the bite. He didn't understand why he wanted it so bad. He already had everything he needed. But Parker? His whole life was a mess now. His mom is gone, and probably never coming back. His sister is beginning to lose her mind.

Then there's his father.

He walled himself up and never wanted to talk to anyone— not even his own kids. Everything was about finding his wife now, and it has been six months. Parker gave up and came to the conclusion that she was gone forever.

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