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          PAISLEY STOOD BESIDE SCOTT, THEIR HANDS INTERTWINED AS THEY STOOD IN front of the gate that lead to the community pool. It was after hours, but the two had wanted to go for a swim. By after hours, meaning that it was well past closing time and that their curfew was two hours ago.

      Scott tried picking the lock, but he didn't exactly know how to. The movies made it seem so easy, he thought, so it shouldn't be too hard. He let go of Paisley's hand, trying to get a better grip of the bobby pin in his hand and the gate itself. A green tarp wrapped around the gate, forbidding them to see inside of the area. Scott didn't know why they put it on, but he never really went to the pool. Which was why they didn't have a key to get in.

      "Scott, why don't we just use my swimming pool?" Paisley shivered, the cold night air blowing through her hair causing goosebumps to appear all over her body.

      "I don't think your dad would like the fact that I'm at your house way past midnight on a school night." He tells her as he jams the pin into the lock. The sound of a crack made him freeze as he realized that he just broke their "key".

      "You just broke it, didn't you?" Paisley tried to hide the smile that wanted to fall on her face as she looked at her boyfriend, who was slumping his shoulders as he turned to face her.

      "There's always Dairy Queen," he suggests, a small frown on his face.

      Paisley shook her head. "I did not put on my bathing suit and sneak out of my house to ride on the handle bars of your bike in the middle of the night on a Thursday just to go get ice scream." She then moved past him and looked at the gate in front of her.

      "Then what are we going to do?" Scott asks innocently, looking at the girl in front of him thinking that she was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. Every time he saw her, it was like the first time. He would get completely awe struck each time, and he loved it. He loved getting the thrill whenever he sees her.  He loved her. And he wanted her to know that.

      Paisley quickly turned to look at him, a devious smile on her face. "Boost me up," she directed him suddenly, making him quirk a questioning brow at her.

      "We're going to hop the gate?" Scott asks in disbelief.

      "Yes," she replied,"is that alright, Lord McCall?"

      "Okay, one," he began,"you've been watching too much Game of Thrones. Two, it's more than alright."

      A smile spread across the brunette girls face as Scott then took a step forward so that he was directly in front of the gate. He then intertwined his fingers together for her to place her foot in. Getting in a crouched position, the love-sick boy looked at his girlfriend, saying,"Whenever you're ready, Lady Parrish,"

      The girls smile couldn't help but grow bigger as she walked forward and placed her hands on each of hold shoulders for support whole she placed one of her feet in his hands. Using all of the strength he could find in himself, Scott slowly began to hoist her up high enough for her to grab hold of the top of the gate.

      Her soft hands gripped onto the cold metal of the gate, pulling herself up and lifting one leg over the top. Once one leg was over, she then brought the other over the top as well.  Before she jumped off, Paisley craned her neck to look at Scott— who had a huge grin on his face. "Meet you on the other side," she winked, causing butterflies to erupt in his stomach as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and hopped off the gate.

Somebody Else [SCOTT MCCALL]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon