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              PAISLEY SAT ON HER BED IN HER ROOM, DOING HER homework before she left for Lydia's party. It wasn't anything too hard; however she couldn't seem to focus. She had all these thoughts roaming around in her head, and she almost felt like all these tiny little Paisleys were running around in her brain, trying to put documents in filing cabinets to organize her life.

      It also didn't help that her brother barged into her room, saying,"Your boyfriend is an idiot," as he flopped down on her bed, potentially crumbling up some papers in the process.

      Paisley finished the math problem she was on before responding. "What makes you say that?" She asks, putting her pencil down and grabbing her calculator from her night stand beside her bed.

      "Jackson thinks he's on steroids, so he's gonna try to get him to confess," Parker tells her, looking up at the ceiling and counting the small glow in the dark starts that were up there from when she was little. Back when they were younger, both Parker and Paisley were terrified of the dark, so their parents had bought them stick on glow in the dark starts to put around their room so that they wouldn't be as scared. It didn't really work, but Paisley had thought that they were cute and kept them on her walls while Parker had tossed them in the trash.

      "And?" She questioned, wanting him to continue with what he was saying.

      "I don't think he'll say anything." He then turned on his side to look at his sister. "Do you know if he's using steroids?"

      She shook her head as she looked back down at her math homework,"Uh, no, sorry,"

       Parker furrowed his brows together as he looked at his younger sister. He knew something was wrong. He was afraid to ask, but he knew that the longer he waited for her to say something, the more she'll only be hurting. "Pais, is everything alright?"

      She nodded, bending the corner of her paper with her fingers. "Yeah, it's just— Scott and I...we...we're not exactly together anymore," she spoke quietly, but still loud enough for him to hear her.

      "What the hell," Parker sat up, the sound of papers crinkling underneath him filling the room, and turned to face the youngest Parrish,"when did this happen?"

      "Last week," she informed him, beginning to put her homework away so that she could start getting ready for the party.

      Parker shook his head, becoming angry about the fact that not only did he just find out, but that Scott was acting as if nothing had happened as they spoke on the field and during the scrimmage. "I take back what I said," Parker fumed,"he's not an idiot. He's a dick. As well as an idiot, but more of a dick."

      "Parker—" Paisley began, only to have him cut her off.

      "If I see him at the party, I'll punch him," Parker tells her, standing up and beginning to pace back and forth in her room. "Or maybe I'll stick my lacrosse stick up his ass. Even better, I can do both!"

      "Parker!" Paisley throws her pillow at him, catching his attention, causing him to stop walking back and forth in front of her bed.


      "Please don't do anything," she pleaded him, not wanting to make this a big deal.

      He sighed, bending down to pick up the pillow from off the floor. "Fine, but can I at least kick him?"


      "Flick him?"


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