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              PAISLEY STOOD WITH LYDIA IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL, scared to walk up and see her ex boyfriend standing outside next to his best friend. Usually, she would drive with her brother, but Lydia had insisted on taking her. Especially on this day in particular. She knew that when Paisley saw Scott, she wouldn't be stable.

      The night of the break up, both Lydia and Danny had gone to Paisley's house to let her cry to someone. To let all of her emotions out. Because, let's face it, it's terrible to cry to yourself and feel all alone rather than having someone there to comfort you. Paisley was grateful for her them, and wished that they didn't wait out for her to finish up with all her emotions spewing out of her all night, but she was lucky to have them in her life.

      Lydia didn't want her to go through her break up alone. Paisley was always there for her when she would always break up with her boyfriends. This time, Lydia had to be there for her and help her though it. No, it wasn't her first break up; but it was the first breakup that mattered the most.

      As the two girls approached the sidewalk, Paisley caught sight of Scott and she stopped right before they could reach the cement. Lydia looked at the brunette, a concerned look on her face. "What's wrong?" Lydia asks, holding her purse in her hand.

      "Uh," Paisley tried to say something, but no words came out. Instead, her eyes trailed over to where Scott stood next to his friend, Stiles. Lydia followed her eyes, them landing right on the two boys.

      The strawberry blonde sighed, using her hands to grab Paisley's shoulders in comfort. "Pais, listen to me. You and I are going to march right past him and straight up those stairs and we're not even going to given him a second glance. You are going to strut by like the hot girl you are and show him what he's missing."

      Paisley nodded her head slowly, swallowing the lump that was starting to form in her throat.  "Okay, you're right. I can't let him know that I'm hurting."

      "Exactly," Lydia smiled. She hated to see Paisley like this. She didn't even know how she met Scott, or why she had even agreed to go out with him, but she never questioned it. As long as she was happy, that was all that mattered and she didn't want to negate that. "You ready?"

      "Yeah, I'm good," Paisley tells her. With a small smile, Lydia linked their arms together and began walking in the direction of the front door of the school.

      As they drew closer, Paisley felt like her heart was about to leap out of her chest. She didn't show it, though. She held her head up high just as they were about to pass him. Neither of them glanced at the two boys, or even looked in their direction. So when Stiles said,"Hey, Lydia, you look—" the two girls kept walking, which lead him to say,"like you're gonna ignore me."

      Once they walked through the double doors leading into the school, Paisley let out a deep sigh. A wave of relief washed over her. She was glad that she had Lydia by her side, and she'll always be thankful for her. The school bell rang, which made Lydia turn to her best friend and say,"If you have a class with him, text me and we can meet in the bathroom if you need to,"

      Paisley nods. "Got it, thank you, Lyd,"

      "Of course, Pais," Lydia brought her into a quick hug,"I'll see you after class." With that, she turned around and began to walk to class.

      Taking a deep breath, Paisley made her way to her first class. Hoping that Scott wasn't in it.

      It was near the end of the school day, and Paisley had never been so relieved. She had a few classes with Scott, but also with Lydia so she wasn't too worried. She knows she shouldn't be so worked up about it, but she doesn't understand why it all happened. The two of them were completely fine one day, but then the next he just called things off.

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