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PARKER SAT IN THE DRIVERS SEAT OF HIS CAR parked outside of Isaac Lahey's house. Well, his old house. He convinced his dad to let him stay with them for a few weeks until he was able to find a place. Parker didn't think Isaac had any other family members, or at least ones that were close to Beacon Hills. He didn't know where he was staying the last few days, and he was scared to ask. Isaac mostly kept to himself, which he could understand. After what happened with his father, he didn't want to ask him anything about his past.

Isaac didn't get out of the car right away. Instead, he stared at his old house through the window and let a sigh pass through his lips. He didn't think he'd ever have to come back here. Then again, he didn't think Parker would offer him a place to stay.

"You don't have to go in," Parker broke the silence between them,"I can go in and get whatever you want. Or you can always have some of my stuff,"

Isaac shook his head. "No, I can do it." He was determined to go inside now. Not only because he didn't want to bother Parker by asking for his belongings, but because he didn't want to seem weak. "I just...I need a minute."

"Take your time, we have all night to do this," Parker assured him, reaching over and rubbing his shoulder a few times before reaching for the keys in the ignition and turning the engine off. He kept his window cracked a bit, letting the cold air into the car and blowing a cool breeze onto the two boys.

Since getting the bite, Parker hasn't felt himself change like the others have. He felt like the same seventeen years old he always has been. He didn't know why. Maybe it was because he already had it all before? The thing was, Derek chose the ones who were lost. Ones that were alone, and Parker wasn't either of those. He was only offered the bite because he was going to miss out on this season of lacrosse.

At least, that's what Derek made it sound like when he offered the opportunity.

Isaac stared outside the window, dreading the next few minutes or so. The sooner you get it done, the less time you have to be here, he thought to himself. The curly haired boy took his seatbelt off finally, and opened the door slowly to let himself out of the car. Parker followed behind him, making sure to lock the doors as they walked up the steps to the front door. Police tape covered the porch and the doorframe, which the two ignored and walked under.

"You don't have to come in, it's okay," Isaac lets his newly found friend know as they stood at the doorway.

"I'm not gonna have you go in there by yourself," Parker looks around the porch as Isaac opened the door, noticing that it wasn't very well kept up with for at least a few months. "Plus, I can help you carry more,"

Parker offered Isaac a smile as he reached for the police tape and lifting it up for him to duck under and enter the house. He followed behind him. It didn't take long for an eerie feeling to creep up on him as he looked around the now abandoned house. They didn't turn the lights on in case the neighbors were to call the cops on them for breaking into the house.

It wasn't a big house. It was just Isaac and his father so they didn't need anything huge. Parker looked around the place as he walked deeper into the house behind Isaac. He felt his stomach begin to feel upset as he ventured down the hallway. Isaac noticed everything was exactly how it was the night he ran away, even the glass on the floor in the dining room. It made him start to feel angry inside, and Parker began to notice.

"We can come back another day—"Parker began, but Isaac was quick to cut him off.

"I'll be fine," His eyes darted around the hallway, a few old pictures hanging on the walls. He didn't have very many of him, mostly of his brother. Isaac always felt his brother was favored in every way. Camden Lahey was the total opposite of Isaac, which was probably why he got far better treatment. He hardly spoke about Camden, mostly because it was hard considering he died in the military.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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