Chapter 13

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I rushed home from the restaurant as soon after Noel's conniving ass told her dirt. I was pissed for what she did but two wrongs don't make a right and my mother raised me better. Once I got on our street, I saw two police cars parked in the driveway. I panicked in rushed inside the house.

"She's been gone for awhile now, and I'm not waiting 24 hours!".

I slowly closed the door so I wouldn't be heard.

" Sir just calm down ".

" I can't calm down my wife is out there somewhere! ".

" Sir you said she left her phone, maybe she will come back for it".

I slowly got near the wall of our living room an saw Dustin rubbing his head, the thing he always do, as 2 cops wrote notes on their notepad and the other two tried calming him down.

"Okay okay Mr.Breeding, since all you guys photos are in storage, we need a description, what does she look like?".

" She's my color, 5'6, long hair to her mid back, a gorgeous face, brown eyes, she might be wearing jeans today and a crop top".

I stepped into the living room smiling.

"You mean like her?".

One cop pointed out to me causing everyone else to look in my direction.

" Angela!!".

Dustin ran to me gripping me tightly in his arms.

"Baby, I'm so sorry".

"Dustin its okay, I'm alright".

He wouldn't loosen his grip so I did it for him than kissed his lips. The cops began to join us.

" Is everything okay ma'am? ".

" Yes officer's, thank you guys for coming but were going to be alright, I just needed some alone time ".

The officers nodded in I walked them to the door after while I returned to my husband. Dustin's face looked sad.

"Dustin, I really cant believe you called the cops".

I begin to laugh a bit sitting down on the couch but he didnt find it too funny.



I was watching Angela laugh at the idea of me worrying, I didnt find it funny at all. She sat up in smiled.

" Baby, come here, you know I didnt mean any harm".

"I have been worrying my ass off Ang', wondering if you were okay and hell if I would even see you again!".

She sighed in patted the couch cushion.

" Dustin please....".

I sighed in sat next to her. She wrapped her arms around my neck in stared.

"Dustin listen to me, the day you told me about Noel I was furious and I assumed that you cheated but if I was smarter I would know that you would never cheat on me and I was right....".

I became confused.

" Ang' what are you talking about? ".

She stood up and grabbed her purse off the counter than returned to me and took out her phone. The things I heard made my blood boil.

" That fucking bitch!!!".

I stood up quick pacing the room.

"I'm going to strangle her ass!".

Models Tale Pt.2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora