Chapter 5

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I watched Angela dose off back to bed. I didnt mind though seeing as I woke her up before. Once she was defiantly sleep, I carried her back up stairs in placed her in bed. I kissed her multiple times and laid beside her til I myself fell asleep.

  In the morning I quickly jumped in the shower, I had half of mind to wake Angela up to get a quickie in before my first day but I was sure I could wait til tonight. I got out the shower putting on my best suit as Angela still stayed sleep. She looked like a angel, my angel. I finished dressing and checked my appearance before heading out. I stopped in the kitchen in wrote her a sticky note telling her to not wait up for me, I knew this session would be long like the meetings. I hated leaving my wife alone but I missed this life, I missed being me. I was a model and always was gonna be.

I grabbed my things and headed out.

Once I arrived to Fortune, the guys were still hating on me. They couldn't stand to see me Mr.Notch back in business. I waved the haters off in headed to Connie's office and to my surprise her door which is never closed was closed. I was puzzled but I have been gone for a long time so things were bound to change. I knocked twice in waited. I didn't wait long though to see the door being opened up by a face I never thought I'd see. Noel.

"Well well well if it isn't Mr. Notch".

I wanted to speak but I'm pretty sure the cat actually had my tongue. Noel signaled for me to walk inside so I cleared my throat in entered the room, Noel closed the doors behind me. No lie she was still bad as hell. She had a certain glow to her this time and her body was well shown in the one piece silky jumper that fit her body perfectly. I was way in a daze til she snapped me out of it.

"Uh Duustin, you see something you like?".

I smirked.

"What the hell are you doing here Noel!?".

I tried not to yell in keep my voice low but I'm pretty sure the fellas still heard me. Noel approached me walking slowly in a little too close to me smiling her face off.

"I'm Fortunes new female money maker!".


"You heard me... a little bit after you vanished on them, I got myself into a modeling agency and landed right into they're arms".

"Oh like you landed on dudes lap!?".

Noel glared at me with hatred in her eyes.  I myself couldn't believe I brought that up.

"Well it looks like someone hasn't let things go".

"Noel you cheated on me!".

"Oh please you were always out with your fucking fans of bitxhes, I wasn't sure if we were serious or not!".

"Serious or Not! Noel I was going to fucking propose to you!".


I stared at her in silence and she started to speak til the door opened up. Connie walked in staring at me hard and handed over a form to both of us.

"Well I'm glad to see you too are getting along in haven't killed one another".

I shook my head trying to forget what just happen in faced Connie.

"What the fuck is this! you have a lot of explaining to do!"

"Explaining for what?".

"My ex. girl Connie!, why didnt you tell me she was modeling for you!?".

"Well if I did that, I am sure you wouldn't have came back".

"Damn straight!".

"Exactly so I didnt tell you".

"Connie, I am married!".

"Yea so, you know marriage doesn't bother the modeling world".

I sucked my teeth in stared at her.

"You should have told me".

"Pish posh Dustin what's done is done with and now that that's settled here is you two first assignment".

Connie handed us a bag. Noel looked inside hers in headed out the door. I shook my head opening mine in froze. Inside was red and black silk boxers. My mind immediately went flashing back to the time me and Angela had the romantic shoot to do as our first assignment.

Connie was smiling hard at me as soon I focused back to her face.

"You can't be serious....".

"Deja Vu really sucks don't it".


Sooo What do you guys think!!

Was Angela wrong for not telling him about the pregnancy?

Was Connie wrong for not telling Dustin about Noel?

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Models Tale Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now