Chapter 2

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After me and Angela's little role play in my office, she headed home in I was right behind her after about 30minutes more of looking over headshots and portfolios. As tired as I was, I always managed to finish my work. Once it was all looked over, I grabbed my things in headed home. We lived down the street literally in this apartment. Cleverton homes weren't really as different from the apartments so it made no difference which one we chose. I got inside dropping my suitcase and coat in the lazy boy chair. I unloosened my tie and walked to the bedroom to see Angela was in the bathroom in the shower.

"Dustin is that you!".

"No babe its a burglar but I won't steal anything".

I laughed as I heard her yell  something smart but I let it slide as I took off my shoes and massaged my feet I glanced around the room. The room wasn't that big barely space for anything except a bed in tv. I was so beat but I never really slept much and I blamed it on work every time Angela would question it  but the truth was the life I was now living. This wasn't me at all. I stood up in walked onto the living room. It was also small only fitted a tv, couch, a lazy boy and middle table. The kitchen was near in a cubicle looking area. I sighed.

Why am I here?

Is this what I really want?

Am I happy?

Is this what my life has become?

I let my thoughts take over as I took in the scenery.

"Dustin you okay?".

I shook my thoughts when Angela tapped my shoulder.

"Uh.. huh what?".

"I said are you okay".

"Yea why?".

"Because your staring off into space looking like you just lost your best friend".

"I did".

Angela cocked her head at me.

"What do you mean?".

"Uh...I don't know Ang'".


"I just...".

"Oh please no god no don't tell me you cheated on me!".

"Nah no chill!, nothing like that".

"Than what it is?".

Angela came closer towards me pulling to the couch. She was slightly smiling as she rubbed my back. I smiled slightly.

"Tell me what's wrong".

"I just need a break".

"Ooh okay babe, where to, Bahamas, Hawaii, Florida".


Angela smiled hard than let out a laugh.

"Dustin that's no vacation spot really but if you--".

"I don't want to vacation".

"Than what--".

"I want to move, I need to move".

I stood up snatching my back from her grip.

"I need to be how I was".

"But you chose this...".

"I need to live how I lived''.

"But Dustin you wanted to move here....".

"Dammit Angela I need my life back!".

She was staring me in the eye. I stared back.

"Oh I see, you don't have the glam and glory here so you want to just leave!".


"No!!... you wanted to move here Dustin, and I put my life on hold to join you, I never got asked what I wanted!!".

"Its not like that my life--".

"You life! your life!!... I am your life, or am I!?".

"Angela that's not--".

"No! your right, you want your life back, before you met me".

Before I could say anything else she waltz away in slammed the bedroom door. I'm surprised it didn't fall apart. I didn't even bother to go in that direction, I grabbed a blanket from the cabinet and slept on the lazy boy. In the morning we packed up what we had and I let the owner of the building sale the place furnished. There was no need to take that low class shit back to Beverly Hills California. Since I trusted 2 people with my money, I let them run the agency til further notice.  The ride back to what I call civilization was quiet. Angela in I haven't spoken since last night but I knew she wouldn't stay mad long, all I needed was flowers and candy and she'll be good as new.  I prayed that she would forgive me too because that was the only way I could tell her the reason we left besides me being homesick, was because I was getting back into modeling.

So what do y'all think so far??

Is Dustin wrong for only thinking of himself?

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Models Tale Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now