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In a room similar to but much smaller than Mycroft’s office, Lady Smallwood sits at a small table facing Mycroft seated on the other side. Mycroft’s hands are clasped in front of him on the table and he is rapidly tapping one finger against the other hand.

"This is absolutely ridiculous and you know it. How many more times?" Lady Smallwood said.

"Six years ago you held the brief for foreign operations, code name Love." Mycroft started.

"And you’re basing all this on a code name? On a whispered voice on the telephone? Come on, Mycroft." She said, a hint of disappointment in her tone.

"You were the conduit for AGRA. Every assignment, every detail, they got from you."

"It was my job."

Unfolding his hands and sitting back, Mycroft said, "Then there was the Tbilisi incident. AGRA went in."


"And they were betrayed."

"Not by me." She said, firmly. Mycroft just looks at her. She takes in a breath and sighs it out. "Mycroft, we’ve known each other a long time. I promise you, I haven’t the foggiest idea what all this is about. You wound up AGRA and all the other freelancers." Slowly, emphatically she added "I haven’t done any of the things you’re accusing me of. Not one." Even more emphatically, "Not. One."

Mycroft looks down at the table for a moment, then turns his head to look to his left. On the other side of a one-way mirror you and Sherlock were standing, watching thoughtfully. Mycroft lowers his gaze and sits forward again, adjusting his jacket.

"Well, that's not what I expected. She's telling the truth." You said, looking at Sherlock.

He shrugged, "I need to think. I'm going for a walk, and you need to rest (y/n). Go home and sleep. I will call you if anything happens." You look at him with a 'are-you-sure-because-you-did-not-tell-me-everything-last-time' look. "Promise." He added.

You smiled smugly, "Okay, then I'm going. I'm fucking tired." You said as you walk away from him.

"Hey! Watch the language!"

You turn around just to stick your tongue out on him and walk away again. You reached the outside of Diogenes Club and hailed a cab, "Baker Street, please." Moments later, you are now on your flat.

"You know Mrs. H, you don't have to do this. I'm fine!" You cried. As soon as you reached Baker Street you immediately look for Mrs. Hudson and you didn't expect that she'll treat you like a baby after seeing your state.

"No, (y/n). Stay there and rest! Look at you! You're so pale!"

"But--" you tried to protest, but she stopped you by bringing her right hand to your mouth.

"No. You stay there young lady! Don't argue with me, I'll bring you your tea. Don't get up!" She said and exits your room.

"I'm not a child anymore, you know!" You shouted. You sighed heavily and relaxed your body to your bed.

I need to think.

You closed your eyes and tries to think who really is the person behind all of this.

You were snapped out of your thought by the ringing of your phone.

It must be Sherlock.

London Aquarium.
Come immediately.

"Finally!" You said and you exits your room immediately.

"Oh, dear. Where are you going? I to--"

"Hush, Mrs. H! This is important, I need to go." You interrupted her and exits the building and hailed a cab. "London Aquarium. Be fast!"

Not long you reached the London Aquarium, panting heavily because of tiredness. You're looking everywhere to reach the place where Sherlock is.

"(y/n)." You recognized the voice and it's Mary.

"Mary! How are you doing? Are you alright?" You asked.

"I should be the one asking you that! What happened? You looked like you'll collapse in any second!" She exclaimed.

"I'm fine. Stop worrying about me. All that matters is now. I want to know why Sherlock wants us here."

"Yeah, come on."

The two of you wander around the Aquarium until you heard fainted voices talking.

"I really am a very busy man. Would you mind cutting to the chase?" You heard Sherlock said as you and Mary stopped walking to listen at them for a while.

"You’re very sure of yourself, aren’t you?" A female voice answered.

"I recognize that voice. I know her." You said to yourself.

"You know her?" Mary asked, you just nodded and continue on listening.

"I really have never liked this story." Sherlock said.

"I’m just like the merchant in the story. I thought I could outrun the inevitable. I’ve always been looking over my shoulder; always expecting to see the grim figure of ..."

"... Death." Mary said, walking away from you and she comes into the room and stops at Sherlock’s side a couple of feet away from him. You follow her afterwards.

"Hello, Mary." Sherlock greeted without looking at her.

"Hey." She greeted back.

"John?" He asked. You don't know if he's just ignoring the fact that you're there too or he really don't know that you're with Mary.

"On his way." She answered.

"I knew it. It's your voice, Vivian! So, you are--"

"..Amo." you and Sherlock said at the same time.

Staring at Vivian, "You were Amo? You were the person on the phone that time?" Mary asked.

"Using AGRA as her private assassination unit." Sherlock said whilst you walk towards them and stopped beside Sherlock opposite where Mary is.

"Why did you betray us?" Mary asked Vivian.

"Why does anyone do anything?" She asked back.

"Oh, let me guess. Selling secrets?" You asked.

"Well, it would be churlish to refuse. Worked very well for a few years. I bought a nice cottage in Cornwall on the back of it. But the ambassador in Tbilisi found out. I thought I’d had it." Vivian looks towards Mary before returning her gaze to you then Sherlock. "Then she was taken hostage in that coup." She laughs. "I couldn’t believe my luck! That bought me a little time."

"But then you found out your boss had sent AGRA in." Sherlock said.

"Very handy. They were always such reliable killers."

"What you didn’t know, Mary, was that this one also tipped off the hostage-takers."

Sitting back down and resting her handbag on her lap, Vivian said, "Lady Smallwood gave the order, but I sent another one to the terrorists with a nice little clue about her code name should anyone have an enquiring mind. Seemed to do the trick."

"And you thought your troubles were over." You said.

"I was tired; tired of the mess of it all. I just wanted some peace, some clarity. The hostages were killed, AGRA too or so I thought. My secret was safe. But apparently not. Just a little peace. That’s all you wanted too, wasn’t it? A family, home. Really, I understand." Your gaze is fixed on Vivian, who lifts her handbag as if in preparation to stand, and rests one hand on the open top of it. "So just let me get out of here, right? Let me just walk away. I’ll vanish. I’ll go forever. What d’you say?"

"After what you did?!" Mary said, furiously and she starts towards the older woman.

"Mary, no!" You and Sherlock stopped her.

In a fluid movement Vivian stands, pulling a pistol from her handbag and aiming it at Mary, who stops and backs away.

"Okay." Mary said, moving back to stand between you and Sherlock.

After The Reichenbach Fallजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें