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You and Sherlock got a long and tiring night chasing a murderer near St. Barts and you went to bed with back pain, so when you woke up, you're struggling to stand up but manage to, you checked your phone and sees that you received a message from Mycroft's assistant:

Office at exactly three PM.

Obviously new mission. You thought, it's been a year since your last mission with the MI6. Well you promised to John before his wedding that you'll take a break for a year. You check your clock and sees that you still have a lot of time, so you did not rush yourself, you took your time taking shower and preparing tea for yourself, after reading the last chapter of (your favorite book) you glance at the clock one more time and decided to get up, after a fourty-five minute ride you managed to get to Mycroft's office on time.

"Mr. Holmes." You greeted. This is the first time you'll be talking with him since the meeting about the edited footage of yours and Sherlock's at Magnussen's incident.

"Ms. (Last name), thank you for coming. I asked you to come here because you have a new job."

"Yes, I already thought about that."

Handing you one folder from his desk, he said "This new mission will only take three weeks to one month, but with you I don't know, maybe..."

"A week or two." You finished for him, reading the contents of the files. "I'll take it, when will I start?"

"I'll give you a day to prepare then my assistant will tell you the details on how you will get to your destination. You're free to go."

You nodded and left without saying a word.

Maybe I'll solve one case before I go.

In your way out, your phone vibrated:

Remember five PM.

Ah! I almost forgot! You rushed out of the building and hailed a cab back to Baker Street, luckily you got there before Lestrade.

John walked in to see Sherlock sitting in his chair, wearing his camel dressing gown and with his hands steepled just under his mouth and you, sitting on the couch arms crossed and legs were resting on the top of the coffee table.

John sat in his chair and minutes after Lestrade arrived but you and Sherlock didn't move an inch. So John gets the chair where the clients sits and gave it to Lestrade. He nod a thanks to John before sitting in it.

You're just to open your eyes when Lestrade started to explain everything about David Welsborough’s fiftieth birthday. Where his son called him from Tibet and asked Mr. Welsborough to take a picture of an action figure in the trunk of his car before ending the call.

"A week later ..." Lestrade said.

"Yeah?" John asked.

"... something really weird happens. Drunk driver – he’s totally smashed, the cops are chasing him and he turns into the drive of the Welsborough house to try and get away. Unfortunately the drunk driver heads at speed for Mr. Welsborough son's car and smashes straight into the back of it. Moments later the front car explodes in a massive fireball. The drunk guy survived; they managed to pull him out, but when they put the fire out and examined the parked car there’s a burned skeleton in the driver’s seat."

"Whose body?" John asked.

"Charlie Welsborough, the son."


"The son who was in Tibet. DNA all checks out. The night of the party, the car’s empty, then a week later the dead boy’s found at the wheel."

With his eyes still closed, Sherlock chuckles delightedly.

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