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On your current speed, the journey will take 10 minutes to get to St James the Less Church. You don't know what it is, but you John is definitely in trouble.

You heard Mary's phone sounds a text alert and shows you the message:

Getting warmer detectives
You have about ten minutes

"What does it mean? What are they going to do to him?" She asked, fearfully.

"I don't know." You really don't know and you hate not knowing.

She then shows you another message:

8 minutes
and counting...

You turn your attention back to the road and accelerates, but shortly afterwards you approached a roadblock. The road ahead is cordoned off with police tape, and two police officers are explaining the situation to stopped cars.

"Damn!" You cursed under your breathe.

Sherlock's now on your back driving a bike too. You look to your left and rapidly works out an alternative route which you overlays onto the original route.

The original one has an ETA of 8 minutes; the new, more direct route shows an ETA of 5 minutes.

Sherlock turns the bike and heads up onto the pavement and into a walkway between two buildings and you followed him.

Mary receives a new message and shows it to you again:

Better hurry
things are
hotting up here...

You continue onwards but your speed is impeded when you cross a bridge and are blocked by a slow-moving lorry.

"Shit." You mumbles.

Just then, Mary shows you the newest message:

Stay of execution.
you've got two
more minutes



You nodded and follows him, that route will only take 1 minute to get in the church.

You forces the bike up a steep flight of steps and out onto the street again. You are finally driving along beside the fence surrounding the park.

Once again, Mary receives one more text:

What a shame
John is quite a Guy!

"What does it mean?" You asked yourself, then you whips your head round as the bonfire begins to blaze and all the onlookers cheer. "Oh my God!" You said as you realise what is happening.

You accelerates around the square towards the only gap in the fence surrounding the park as the onlookers continue to celebrate the ignition of the fire.

"Jump off!" You said to Mary, and she quickly steps off as you drop the bike onto its side.

You run fast towards the fire, shoving people out of your way with Sherlock and Mary following you.

You really don't care, you need to save John.

"Move! Move! Move! Move! Move!" You heard Sherlock shouting.

"John!" You shouted.

"John! Get out, John!" Mary said, running behind you.

You couch down, peering through the flames trying to see where John is while throwing some of the wood aside. Sherlock's doing the same.

"Help!" You heard John's voice inside.

You and Sherlock throw pieces of the bonfire aside as many as you can. It created a path into it, and at last Sherlock were able to reach in and grab John's arms and hauls him out pulling him across the ground to safety before rolling him over onto his back.

John lies in there, looking extremely dazed as Sherlock looms over him. "John? John!" He said and gently pats John's face.

"John." Mary said covering her mouth and crying

"Hey, John." Sherlock said softly.

You angrily walk in front of the crowd and shouted, "TELL ME, WHO THE FUCK PUT HIM IN THERE!"

An arm pulls you back to John, "It will not work, (y/n). Let's bring John to hospital." Sherlock said.


He cuts you off, "No buts. Lets. Go."

Full of hesitation, you look back to the crowd one last time before backing away. Mary hailed a cab and brings John to the hospital with you and Sherlock following.

The doctor said that John is safe, so you decided to go back to your flat.

As soon as you stepped out of the hospital, you shiver in cold. You didn't noticed that you don't have a coat on. Although you didn't said any words to Sherlock, he took off his coat and hands it to you.

"Here." He said, not even looking at you.

"I don't need this. I'm good." You said, handing back the jacket.

"Take it. I don't want to bring another friend at the hospital." He answers.

You get his hand and puts the coat in there, "I said, I don't need it." You said and starts to walk.

Sherlock stopped for a moment, confused on why would you do that when you're clearly shivering because of cold air. Not totally running, he caught up to you. Without hesitation, he puts the coat on your shoulder and walk past you.

You froze on your place and tried to process everything. Well, you're clearly shocked. Sherlock will not do that, the Shelock that you know will let you shiver even you beg for his coat. And by just thinking about that, you felt that your cheeks were blushing. You blink your eyes rapidly trying to erase whatever you were thinking.

Sherlock looks back at you, "Why are just standing there? C'mon! We have a case to solve."

You were standing still even though your head nodded involuntarily.

Slightly getting out of patience, Sherlock walk towards you and holds your hand, "You going home or you'll just stand here until you get hypothermia?" He said then drags you.

What the fuck am I doing?
Why am I blushing?

You snatched back your hand from him and stopped walking, "I... I- I can walk on my own."

He just rolled his eyes and walk again and this time, you followed him.

After The Reichenbach FallWhere stories live. Discover now