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You finally arrived at London Airport and once again greeted by its cold air. You opened the door of 221 and walks silently, you don't want them to know that you're already back.

You almost succeeded when Mrs. Hudson opened her door and greeted you with her loud annoying voice, "(Y/N)! YOU'RE BACK!"

You mentally slap your face and puts your hand on her mouth, "shhhh! Don't- Don't shout!" You whispered.

She was saying something but you can't figure it out so you remove your hands on her mouth, "why?" She asked, whispering.

"Well, I don't want Sherlock to know that I'm back." You said to her.

"Too late." Sherlock said, standing on your back.
Sitting on John's chair, you were angrily stomping your feet repeatedly, trying to annoy the people around you.

"Stop it, (y/n)." John said, annoyed.

"Why should I? I should be resting now you know!" You angrily said.

"You haven't been in contact with us for the last three weeks!" He angrily said back.

"AS IF THAT CHANGED ANYTHING HERE! John, I've been away for two fucking years without contacting you!" You snapped.

"That's different! And don't you ever bring that up everytime you will leave!"

"What the hell is wrong with you people?" You breathed, leaning your back on the chair.

"How's L.A.? How the drinking and drugs?" Sherlock said, speaking for the first time since John arrived.

"Good." You answered, rolling your eyes at him.

"What?! You're using again? Seriously, (Y/N)?" John said, anger in his voice is still there.

"Yeah. Why do you care?" You said and stands up. "I'm going to sleep."

You only took a step and Sherlock's hand is already at your arm, stopping you from leaving. "No one's leaving." He said.

You angrily looks at him, pure hatred in your eyes, "Get your hands off me." You growls.

"Let's talk about it, I know what I did was wrong. Please, talk to me." Sherlock pleaded.

John already knows what happened before you left. He and Sherlock talked about it and he explained to Sherlock what was the meaning of what is he feeling towards you.

Sherlock was not the type of person who will easily give up, but he can't find the right answers to the books he read so even though he's a bit embarrassed, he contacted John and asked about it.

You sighs and nodded, you know they will not stop until you talk to them. Sherlock let you go and you sit in John's chair once again.

John looks at you, furious, "Okay, let me ask you again. Why? Why did you do that?"

Though you wanted to shout and blame Sherlock, you just look at them in the eyes and said, "I'm sorry."
Three months passed since that and everything is back to normal. Even though something is still there between you and Sherlock you chose to zip both your mouths and not talk about it.

You're clean and didn't take anything since you got back, you just need to replace it with something addicting too. Cigarettes.

You fell asleep on your couch while reading the book that Molly recommended last time but then woken up by shots from a gun.


It was probably Sherlock, being bored again. You immediately stand up and run upstairs.

"SHERLOCK FUCKING HOLMES! STOP SHOOTING THE WALL!" you shouted as you burst into his flat. You found him sitting lazily at his chair holding a gun. "DROP THE FUCKING GUN." You repeated.

"NO." He shouted back, standing up and ready to shoot the wall again. "I'M BORED." then he shoots the wall, BANG BANG BANG

You run towards him and immediately grab the gun before he can shoot again. "Damn you, Sherlock." You made a mental note to not trust John to hide things from Sherlock again.

He sat down in his chair like a child with knees on his chest. "And Fucking is not my middle name." He said, frowning and pouting.

He's so cute.

You chuckled and pinch his cheeks because he's too adorable, "Make some tea for me, please?" You asked, hoping he'll do it. Surprisingly, he stood up and went straight to the kitchen to make tea.

You sit in John's chair, "Is John and Mary coming today?"

He just finished and walk towards you, he hands you your tea and sat down in his chair, "They will be here in any minute. I'll help them, maybe you can help too. John is... you know..."

"Ah, yeah. I know, I know. I'll help. So, who's the bestman... I'm thinking that he'll ask Mike or Geoff? But I'm guessing they're not the best pick, so I guess he already asked... you?" you asked as you take a sip of your tea, left eyebrow slightly raised.

But before he can answer, you heard the door from downstairs open.

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