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After a one long hour of flight from London to Dublin you hailed a cab straight on your hotel near where your target is.

Your job is easy this time, you need to do an undercover operation where you need to retrieve and delete top secret files from the office of the company's CEO who is suspected to be a gang leader who supply drugs and deadly weapons in London.

After you accepted the mission from Mycroft you immediately search the Company's background and check company's website if there's an job opening and luckly there is, and it's the perfect job that you need to accomplish your task. In short, you sent an online application to be their newest secretary and today is your last interview to get the job and with that you can start your plan.

As soon as you got in on your room you immediately change your clothes to a red fitted dress with a black cardigan and black 8inches high heels, you let your hair loose and you put a contact lens [of course different from your real eye color], you put a light make up to make you look presentable and for the last touch of your disguise you put a fake hair.

Before you go, your check your fake IDs and documents that you needed.

Clara Sanchez

It'll be your name for this mission, you kinda like it so you're happy to use it for one to two weeks. You're confident that you'll get this job from the company so you're not really worried that you'll fail this mission.

After fixing everything you needed, you went straight to the company building to meet your soon to be boss.

"Hello, where's the office of Mr. Thomas? I'm here for the last interview." You said to the receptionist.


"Clara Sanchez."

"Please, follow me." The receptionist lead you to the CEO's office. "Mr. Thomas is already inside. Good luck." She said, giving you a faint smile.

You smiled back at her, "Thank you." You said and she left you outside the office. You fix your dress and proceeded inside, your eyes laid on the back of a mascular man standing and staring out the window.

"Please, take a seat." He said, you akwardly obeyed him, as soon as you take your seat he turned around and face you. He took the seat and rest both elbow in the table and back of his hands under his chin, you were mesmerized by his look and he doesn't looked like he'll do something bad.

"Pleased to see you, Mr. Thomas. I'm Clara. Clara Sanchez." You said and smiled at him then offers your hand for him which he gladly accepted.

"Pleased to see you too." He said.

"I am looking forward to this day and I'm very thankful that I'm here in front of you for my last interview Mr. Thomas." You said, still mesmerized by him.

"Call me Kit, please. Mr. Thomas is my father." He corrected.

"Right, Mr. Kit?" You akwardly said.

"Kit is fine, since you'll be my newest secretary." He stopped for a second to smile, "You're hired."

"I- I am? Already? But--"

"Yes. Yes, you're hired. I checked the files that you send thru e-mails and it's very impressive. All I need is to meet you personally and now that you're here in front of me..." he said, nodding and looking deep into you "...I like you."

You blush, "Thank you, sir."

"By the way, you'll start tomorrow. Maria will guide you. You can go for now and rest."

"Errr... but who is Maria?" You asked him, quizically.

"Oh, sorry. Of course you didn't know her." He said, chuckling slightly. "The receptionist. She's Maria. Ask her about your schedule."

After The Reichenbach FallUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum