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John is still standing in the Tube carriage with his eyes still closed. He grips the handrail and lowers his head, blowing out a long breath.

Though, unexpected words were said, you can't help but chuckle at the John's position but Sherlock were the first to crack in laughter.

John opens his eyes and looks across the two of you as you giggle in high-pitched hilarity.

Staring at you, John steps forward and looks down at the countdown clock on the mother bomb and sees that it is repeatedly flicking back and forth between 1:28 and 1:29.

John turns away as if he can’t believe it. John turns back to look at the clock again and then stares upwards in disbelief. "You ..."

The two of you stands up as your tears of mirth streaming down your cheeks.

Laughing hysterically, Sherlock said "Oh, your face!"

"... utter ..."

"Your face! Oh my God!" You said still laughing.

"You ..." John said, pointing intensely at you.

"We totally had you." Sherlock said.

"You cock! I knew it! I knew it! You f..."

"Oh, those things you said – such sweet things! I-I never knew you cared!" You said, still laughing.

"I will kill the both of you if you ever breathe a word of this ..."

"Scout’s honour." Sherlock said grinning while holding up two fingers in a Boy Scout’s salute.

"... to anyone. You BOTH KNEW! You knew how to turn it off!" John said furiously.

You squats down to the bomb and points it, "There’s an off switch."


Sherlock smiles as he looks at you, "There’s always an off switch."

John bends down to look at the switch.

"Terrorists can get into all sorts of problems unless there’s an off switch." Sherlock added.

"So why did you let me go through all that?" John asked the two of you.

"I didn’t lie altogether. I’ve absolutely no idea. Ask her, why." Sherlock said to John while pointing you to answer John's question.

"Well, I have no idea on how to turn any of these silly little lights off." You chuckled once again and wipes the tears off your cheeks.

Through the open door of the driver’s cab, a voice over a walkie-talkie radio can be heard, and flashlight beams are approaching along the tunnel.

John stares outside in disbelief, "And you did call the police."

"’course I called the police." Sherlock said.

"I’m definitely gonna kill the both of you."

"Oh, please! Killing us – that’s so two years ago." You said, smiling.

Quirking a smile at John, Sherlock turns and heads towards the driver’s cab.

John lets out a silent laugh as the two of you follows Sherlock.


Outside the door of 221, reporters and photographers are milling around in the road. They were notified that the you and Sherlock just saved the city from bombing.

Now wearing a much less formal attire, you were silently looking at them from Sherlock's window whilst sipping your wine.

"(y/n)." John called. You looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "I think you need to call Sherlock now. They're been waiting outside for about an hour now." He said.

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