Q&A Part 1*

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1) @Acollin127 asked :'I was wondering, how many kids would Vienna and Tom have if they got married ( I know they will). And what would their names be. Thanks and by for now.

     Well my darling thank you for the question! Unfortunately I made an Unbreakable Vow...with myself...to not tell. I guess you'll have to wait and find out! Sorry love!

2) @holealia asked Vienna: 'How does it feel to have druid magic inside you?'

     Vienna: "Well, it's odd really. I didn't even know that I had druid magic until I came back to the 1940's. At first I thought I was just going crazy, especially because of being able to suddenly understand the Giant Squid, but it's also come in great use. On one hand, it's absolutely incredible to be related to Merlin and Morgan and to be able to have the power of nature on my side. On the other hand, it's absolutely terrifying, especially after what happened with Grindelwald. I'm hoping though that over the summer Alexander (my great-grand dad) will be able to teach me on how to control it and use it a bit better! Thanks for the question!"
    Past Tom: "Wait a second...You can talk to the Giant Squid?! When did this happen?"
    Vienna: "Oh yeah. That. It's a long story."
    Neville: "I wanna hear it too!" 

3) @holealia also asked: 'To the wonderful author: Is it true that this is the re-writing of this novel? Is the original different than this story? 

     First of all thank you for this question! Also you are way more wonderful than me! I've had a few people ask me and it's nice to be able to clear it up. I first began Riddle's Plea when I was 18 and I actually had finished it. I came back to it years later (I'm almost 25 now) and decided to re-write it. As a writer, you're constantly evolving with practice and I found that to be especially true with me. Even now I look back to the beginning chapters of the new version and see the difference in writing styles than the most recent chapters. I actually did not like the original, things happened to quickly and I ended up hating the plot that I had set. A lot of people did like the original though, which I'm grateful for, because they went on to liking the new version as well. That being said, the original was monumentally different than this version, at least in my eyes, and it didn't make much sense to me. I have had a few people ask me to re-publish the Original which I may do in the near-distance future, but it will only be Book 1 since that's as far as I got! Thanks again!

4) @QueenLunaOfEquestria asked Future Tom: 'Do you and Vienna get married?'

     Future Tom: "Well. I think it's safe to assume from one of the previous chapters of this story that I'm married to someone. Now if that's Vienna....I guess you'll have to wait and find out."
    Sam: "Tom. Thank them for their question. We talked about this."
    Future Tom: *annoyed sigh* "Yes. Thank you for your question." 

5) This next question comes from Quotev by JupiterStripes who asked: 'What kind of music do you and the guys like? Any hobbies?'

     Sam: "I enjoy all types of music, I'm not super picky. Although some of my favorite is Rock. Besides writing as a hobby, I guess the next thing is reading. What about you all?"
    Vienna: "I'm a fan of Rock music as well. As for hobbies, I guess it would be 'staying alive'."
    Past Tom: "Can someone explain what 'Rock' music is?"
    Neville: "Oh you poor thing. What kind of hell is 1944?"
    Past Tom: "I don't need your pity Bottomlong."
    Vienna: "Enough children, you're getting off-topic."
    Olivia and Abraxas: "Mama Vienna to save the day."
    *bickering and general chaos ensues.*
    Albus Dumbledore: *sipping tea whilst dodging a thrown book* "I quite like knitting and jazz." 

6) To @Blackmagicforever :

    In regards to my Instagram it is hightopssam. My profile picture is me and my cousins in a swimming pool and you can see me living vicariously on an inflatable Corona bottle. My Instagram contains: Cute pictures of dogs, my ugly mug occasionally accompanied by said cute dogs, sometimes weird captions when I'm in a weird mood, the occasional husband figure, and the occasional pictures of my snek. (His name is Danger Noodle don't judge him)

7) @itsu_me asked Abraxas: 'Do you like Ab or Brax better? And why are you such a muffin?

    Abraxas: "I quite like both actually. In regards to me being a...muffin? I'm not quite sure what you mean..."
    Sam: "It means you're adorably cute."
    Abraxas: "Ahhhhh! In that case it's in the Malfoy genes!" *sends you a sly wink*

8) @Thebadguyalways asked Tom: 'Did you ever find Nagini or...?'

    Future Tom: "If the path stay on it's course we shall find Nagini."
    Past Tom:
"She won't be bad I would think. I wouldn't want Bottomlong to chop her head off again."
    Tom Riddle Snr:
"Where am I? How did I get here? THIS IS KIDNAPPING!" 

9) @Thebadguyalways asked Abraxas: 'Will you marry me please?'

    Abraxas: "Only if you procure an engagement ring worthy of the Malfoy heir. My father would have a conniption if it wasn't."
     *Meanwhile...Olivia has been glaring at you from a distance.* 

10) THANKS FOR THE QUESTIONS SO FAR EVERYBODY! We've been having a great time answering them. KEEP EM' COMING! Also, support me in my life-long dreams of amassing a small army and follow me on:
Twitter: Hightopssam
Tumblr: hightopsssam
Instagram: hightopssam
^As you can see I like to keep things the same! Keep in mind, some of these social medias are extremely new and I'm still trying to figure out what I'm doing! LOVE YOU! 


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