True Self*

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(Neville. May 2nd, 1998)

    "Good afternoon Mr. Longbottom." In front of me stood Order of the Phoenix leader Albus Dumbledore. He was dressed in ridiculous periwinkle blue dress robes, his white hair and beard tied in neat braids and his eyes twinkling in excitement. "Hello blood traitor." My face turned into a near sadistic smile, eyeing the old man up and down in front of me. "Now Mr. Longbottom, that wasn't very kind." I let out a snort as another man walked into my cell. The great Tom Riddle stood in front of me, dressed in black slacks and a white button down Oxford shirt. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and I growled at the tattoo on his left arm, the colors of the Phoenix seemed to be glowing in the darkness of the dungeon I was being kept in. "You do understand that you've made a grave mistake by kidnapping me? My grandfather and father will see too it that I'm found." I let out another smile with my words. "Not to mention they'll have you both beheaded for your actions." Riddle let out a delighted chuckle with my threat before summoning a chair to sit across from me. "Your grandfather nor father have never found the whereabouts of the Order." He gives me smirk, his brown eyes twinkling just as annoyingly as Dumbledore's."Besides, you'll be long gone by the time they would arrive." I let out a disbelieving scoff at his words, but couldn't help the panic that had worked it's way into my body. "You plan to kill me then?" Riddle's head tilted to the side as he watched me, his eyes curious and imploring. "Now why would we do that?" 

    Why indeed? My grandfather was the greatest Dark Wizard in all of history. Back in the 1940's he had taken the place of Gellert Grindelwald, securing an already pre-formed army and finding the secret to securing his future. By the time the 1980's rolled around, he had managed to gain the title of Minister of Magic, his word was law and slowly he began purifying the filth within the wizarding society. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was the first to be cleansed as he implemented laws to not allow Mudblood's into the school. He dismantled the four houses and began pushing for the Dark Arts to be of main study, splitting the school between those who were pure and those who were half. Once my father was old enough, he took over the roll of Headmaster and made sure the children of the future were learning the correct ways of magic. The only obstacle they both have ever faced was the damned Order of the Phoenix, formed back when my grandfather first came into power and being led by Albus Dumbledore himself. Somehow the Order had managed to capture me from within the walls of Hogwarts and now here I was, hidden away in a dungeon in a secret location. "Because I'm next in line for the throne?" It was Riddle who let out a snort, shooting a look at Dumbledore before looking back to me. "I think not." My eyes grew curious and I found anger taking hold. "What? You don't think I can carry on my grandfather's legacy? I'll have you know I'm top of my classes and know more about the Dark Arts than you ever could. I'm powerful." Riddle let out a chuckle before standing and beginning to pace the room. It took minutes for him to gather his thoughts and all the while Dumbledore watched his pacing with a look of fatherly admiration. Finally, Riddle stopped and looked at me, his aging face full of determination. "Mr. Longbottom. Do you ever feel like somethings wrong? Like something seems to be amiss in your life?" I didn't answer his questions but continued to watch him curiously. "If you answer my questions truthfully, I will release you." Shock spread across my features before I quickly cleared my face again and gave Riddle another disbelieving look. "Why should I trust you?" He sighed but returned to his chair across from me. "You shouldn't. But I will have you know, that I am an honest man." He looked down to his left hand, the gold and silver wedding ring sparkling in the little lighting of the dungeon. My curiousness only sparked more and I found myself, against all odds, believing him. 

    "I sometimes have strange dreams..." I clear my throat awkwardly before continuing. "They're about a boy. Looks a lot like the half-blood Potter, but he has a strange scar on his forehead. There's also a snake. Sometimes a sword." From beside me Dumbledore let's out a sigh of relief before turning to Riddle. "Looks like you were right Tom." The younger man gives Dumbledore a smile before turning his eyes back on me. "These dreams that you have, they aren't really dreams at all. They are memories. Memories of your true-self." This time I let the confusion show on my face and it causes Dumbledore to chuckle lightly. Before I had time to question anything, Riddle was already talking again. "Neville you were never meant to be the bad guy. Your grandfather's actions shifted the future so drastically that you became, quite literally, a villain." My confusion grew tenfold and I watched as Riddle pulled a vial of near purple looking liquid. "What is that?" I question the potion and Dumbledore is the one who answers this time. "This potion will show you who you are really meant to be." I gave him and the potion a skeptical look. "Neville..." Riddle brings me back to focus on him again. "I can assure you that what we're saying is the truth. You have no reason to trust us, I know this, but this is not who you really are and I believe deep down you know I speak the truth." He sets the potion in front of me and stands from his seat. I look towards Dumbledore who is giving me an encouraging nod and I find myself reaching for the liquid. What could it hurt? My grandfather did always say to not be afraid to try new forms of magic. I cautiously uncork the vial and bring it to my lips. I catch the distinct smell of roses before tipping it into my mouth, the flavor of peppermint so strong it numbs the back of my throat and I sputter for a moment. I raise an eyebrow in the air at Riddle when nothing happens and open my mouth to call nonsense, when quite suddenly the air seemingly shifts around me. 

    It's as if a fog lifts from my vision and flashes of different scenes play before my eyes. The brutal torture of my parents, leaving them in St. Mungo's and being raised by my grandmother. Shy and timid Neville being sorted into Gryffindor, a house for the brave and receiving house points. Dumbledore being headmaster and Harry Potter The Boy Who Lived. The Triwizard Tournament and a knack for being able to make things grow. The return of Lord Voldemort and the formation of Dumbledore's Army along with a battle at the Ministry. Albus Dumbledore's death by the hands of a traitor. The dark war that follows. Luna Lovegood being taken and the Carrows taking over with Severus Snape becoming Headmaster. The final battle at Hogwarts itself and the sword of Godric Gryffindor appearing and the beheading of a snake. The Dark Lord being defeated finally. It all flashes by so quickly and with each scene it's like a darkness lifts from my soul. Finally, towards the end a girl with white hair and violet eyes appears. She's a close friend and she disappears before the battle ends. Vienna. After everything is over, I let out a sigh, my eyes gazing over to Albus Dumbledore beside me and I see him now for who he really is. "Hello Headmaster." He gives me a delighted smile and Tom Riddle lets out a happy laugh with my words. After all this time, I finally remember who I'm suppose to be, who I was always meant to be...a hero. 


(Neville. May 2nd, 1944)

    "So then you came here?" Vienna had finally come too after the shock of seeing me in 1944. She was still about as pale as a ghost but her eyes were full of happy tears and she still hasn't let go of my hand. "Yeah. Of course they had to explain to me everything that happened with you. But once they did they sent me here. Quite odd really." She lets out a chuckle at my confused face before pulling me in for a hug. "I'm glad you're here Nev." I return her hug and pull away for a moment. "So. How's the food in 1944? I'm bloody starving." She let's out a hearty laugh at my question and stands up on somewhat shaky legs. "Come on then. Let's go raid the kitchens like we did in the future." It was my turn to laugh as we walked out of the Hospital Wing. My brain was still extremely fuzzy but I knew that Vienna would explain things in more detail when she got over the initial shock of me being back in time. "Do you think we can stop him?" I ask her the question as we neared the Fruit Bowl painting leading to the kitchens. "If I can stop Tom Riddle from turning into a homicidal maniac and Gellert Grindelwald from using me as a living map of where the Deathly Hallows are, then we can stop your grandfather." She stops in front of the painting and gives me a tired smile. "How do you know for sure?" Vienna takes my hand and gives me a determined look. "Because Nev, we're heroes. That's what we do." 

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