The Black Lake*

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(Vienna. October 30th, 1943)

    "I can't believe you two are making me do this." I look to my two closest friends as I say the words, my teeth were already chattering and I was bundled head to toe in winter clothes. "Vienna, it's not that cold out. You don't need to be wearing all those clothes." Olivia says to me while waving her hand at my outfit choice. "I don't want to freeze to death Liv." I say to her pointedly. Beside her Septimus was holding back his laughter as he watched our interaction. "You're not going to freeze to death V. It's only the end of October." She says, putting her hands on her hips. "Exactly. The end of October. It's almost winter and it's cold." I say, crossing my hands across my chest and pointing my nose up. "I thought you liked the Fall?" Septimus asks, still containing his laughter. "Yes Sep. I enjoy the fall from indoors, where it's warm." This time he can't contain his laughter, and it erupts from within him causing Olivia and I both to smile as well. "Are you sure you want to wear all that?" Olivia asks, while looking me up and down once again. "Yes and nothing you two say will get me to change my mind." I say, uncrossing my arms and planting them firmly on my hips. Olivia rolls her eyes at my childish behavior and begins walking away through the courtyard to the Viaduct. 

    Olivia and Septimus had the brilliant idea to take a walk today by the Black Lake, claiming it was "nice out" and to "enjoy the weather before it gets too cold". My personal opinion was that it was already cold, and I was perfectly happy spending my time indoors. I love the fall, but I loved the fall from inside, watching the leaves change color and descend from the trees was a personal favorite. Instead of barricading myself in my room, I decided to join the two on their walk, and was instantly regretting my decision. The wind was blowing fiercely, and even though the grounds were full of bright reds and orange's, I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the outside. The walk down to the Black Lake was full of Olivia and Septimus mocking my pain, and me threatening to curse them multiple times. At no time at all we reached the Black Lake, and I huffed in annoyance at how unremarkable it was. "Yay! The Black Lake!" I say, voice full of sarcasm and my eyes rolling. Beside me Septimus chuckled and Olivia huffed at my words, but soon the two fell into a conversation about the infamous Giant Squid that lived in the waters. 

    I took the time to glance around us, and noticed a group of first years to our right playing a game of Exploding Snap. I caught the eye of one of them and smiled gently at the little boy, who flushed bright red and abruptly turned back around to his game. I chuckled quietly to myself at his reaction, and looked to my left to see none other than Tom Riddle and his band of merry followers. They we standing in a circle, talking feverishly about something, and I trained my recently acquired super hearing to what they were saying. "You find it then?" Someone asks, and I strained my hearing more to hear the response. "Yes I found it. First floor, girls lavatory is where it is hidden." I heard Tom's deep voice say, and immediately my heart stopped. The Chamber of Secrets. Here I was casually strolling through Hogwarts grounds when I completely forgot about the fact I was supposed to be preventing these things. "Tomorrow I'll release it. Then the fun begins." Tom continued with his plans, and my mind started racing. How the hell am I supposed to stop this? I turned back around towards Olivia and Septimus to open my mouth to tell them I had forgotten about a meeting with Professor Dumbledore, but before the words fell, there was an explosion from the first years. Our heads snapped quickly to the group of children to see that someone had tampered with their deck of cards, and the first years were laying around on the ground. I quickly rushed over, and began helping the dazed and confused first years to sit up, when I noticed the little boy I had smiled to earlier was missing. "Where's your friend?" I ask a little girl, brushing soot from her face. She looks around her noticing that one of her friends was, in fact, missing. "I don't know!" She cries, and tears begin falling from her eyes. I stand up quickly, scanning the area around me for any sign of the little boy. I meet Tom's gaze for a second, and noticing my panicked look, he begins to walk over to me. 

    "What's wrong?" He asks, keeping his distance away from the sobbing first year girl. "The one boy. He's gone. I can't find him anywhere." I say, panic seeping into my bones. "Vienna, calm down. We'll find him." As soon as he said the words, I noticed the bubbles in the Lake, and a very not-so-nice word leaves my mouth. "Shit." Tom looks at me, utter surprise graces his features at my choice of word. "Excuse me?" He says, practically stuttering out the question. "He's in the lake." I say. Before he could even react I was running towards the lake, and splashing into the water. It felt like I was dipped into ice, and a million needles were threatening to puncture my skin. "VIENNA!" I heard the voice of Septimus from behind me, but the adrenaline was kicking in. I've seen too much death. I was chest high in the water, before I finally dunked my head under. Pulling out my wand and non-verbally casting 'Lumos', I began swimming towards the bottom of the lake. Where is he?

    After what felt like hours I spot the little boy, who was struggling and sinking quickly. I use all my might to get to him and pull him into my arms. He looks at me in fear, before realizing he's being saved. As soon as I get the little boy in the arms, something grabs hold of my leg, prohibiting me from swimming towards the surface. I use my wand to look down at my leg, and see the beginning of a tentacle creeping up my calf. Don't panic. I look down to the little boy in my arms and notice his questioning gaze. I quickly make a choice, casting 'Nox', and filling the area around us with complete blackness. The boys arms tighten around me in fear, and the creepy tentacle was starting to take it's grip. I mentally cast the levitating spell on the boy, and his hands grab my shoulders to pull me with him, but I force him to let go. I shoot him to what I hoped was the top of the lake, and feel myself starting to sink. 

    I start kicking the tentacle off, and almost sag in relief when I feel it let go. I try to swim to the surface, but my heavy winter clothes start weighing me down. Take off your coat. A voice fills my head, but I don't even question it, and begin to get rid of the heavy winter coat. I'm running out of air. I'm struggling now, trying to reach the surface and failing. 

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