Of Boggart's and Fear*

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~Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me?~

(T.M.R January 24, 1944)(WARNING: This chapter may be considered graphic to some readers.)

     Professor Galatea Merrythought has held the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for nearly fifty years. Her resolve was impeccable and quite frankly, most students were a bit frightened of her. The stupid imbeciles hadn't yet figured out that you just had to do well in class in order for her to be...pleasant. The classroom was full of Ravenclaw and Slytherin students, all prepared and looking anxiously towards a jumping wardrobe at the front of the classroom. I kept catching them looking nervously at the thing like it was a going to eat them alive. I almost chuckled at the thought of my fellow classmates being eaten by a giant wardrobe, but held my composure and glanced around the room again. Sitting beside me was Malfoy, and our desk was surrounded by fellow Knights, all eyeing the wardrobe warily but not jumping every time it rocked. My eyes roam and find a white-haired young woman across the room, doodling aimlessly on a piece of parchment and seemingly carefree. Vienna sits with the Matthews girl, who is jabbering away and making ridiculous hand gestures as she talked. I watched the pair for another moment, watching how every once in a while, Vienna would give the other girl a soft smile. Ignoring the unpleasant warmth at the sight, I avert my gaze to the front of the class, where Professor Merrythought had finally made her debut. The old woman's presence catches the attention of all the students as she stands confidently before us. 

    "Boggart's." Her ragged voice fills the room and she waves a hand towards the jumping wardrobe behind her. "Can anybody tell me what they are?" She raises a white eyebrow at the class, her grey eyes jumping from student to student and landing on the raised hand of Matthews. "Yes, Miss Matthews?" The Ravenclaw sits up a little straighter at her desk and clears her throat. "A boggart is a shapeshifter that usually lurks in dark spaces. It has no definite form, taking the shape of that which is most feared by the person who encounters it." The Professor let out the smallest of smiles and nods her head. "Very good Miss Matthews. 10 points to Ravenclaw." Matthews smiles widely at the people surrounding her and receives a proud pat on the arm from Vienna who sits beside her. "Today, we'll be encountering a boggart. Now the charm to combat a boggart is called Riddikulus. In order for the charm to work correctly, one must have a strong mind and good concentration. The wand movement alone will not affect the boggart if the caster cannot make the boggart of their worst fear into a figure of fun. Now, let us learn the charm and begin." The charm itself was easy to learn, and by little time the whole class had perfected the wand movement and incantation. The Professor gathers the attention of the class again, hushing the now excited murmur of the students. "Now, would you all please stand." The class follows her orders, and a flick of her wrist the desks neatly stack in the back of the classroom. "I will call names alphabetically by last name. When your name is called, you will stand in the middle of the classroom in the direct sight of the boggart, while the rest of you will be waiting on the sides. Remember, you must have a strong mind."  The class does what she says, and the fun begins. 

     Ever so slowly names are called, and the class watches with amusement as peoples worst fears appear before them. I lock away all of their fears, knowing that at some point, I would need to know these things. I watch with a grim smile as clowns, spiders, vampires, and scary grandmothers all appear before my classmates. Each and every one of them turned in to some ridiculous thing and the class erupting into laughter at the outcomes. "Marcus." Professor Merrythought's voice breaks through my pleasant thoughts, and I watch as Vienna walks to the middle of the class, a rather bored expression upon her face. A burst of excitement fills me as I watch Vienna stand in front of the still bouncing ball that used to be a ghoul, an aura of confidence flowing from her. Knowing Vienna's worst fear would be very profitable to me in the future, and I'm practically leaning in towards the girl. The bouncing ball begins to shift, blackness sweeping round and round, a sinister feeling fills the room, and the class seems to hold it's breath. The blackness begins to take form and Vienna begins to raise her wand towards it. Suddenly as if an explosion happens the black sweeps through the classroom, letting a black mist cover a foot of the floor, spreading and weaving its way between each student and the Professor herself. It only leaves Vienna alone, and with a quick jerk, it becomes suddenly apparent that the black mist has practically cursed all of us into place. A few screams of terror fills the room, and the Professor's eyes have grown wide and confused.  Vienna still holds somewhat steady, wand still halfway up, her eyes are now confused and we all watch as a figure arises from the mist.

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