Riddle's Plea*

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(Vienna. February 20th, 1944)

    The halls were quiet as I led the four of us through Hogwarts, evading ghosts and Ministry workers along the way to the seventh floor. Abraxas was casually strolling beside me, already knowing where we were headed and Olivia was just a few paces behind us, her face still full of shock and confusion. Tom was a few paces behind Olivia, his features a mixture of anger and confusion. My nerves were completely and totally shot by now. The stress of the past twenty four hours taking a heavy toll and the fear had all but vanished into thin air. It was done now. There was nothing I could do to take back what I had done or what I had said. Tom and Olivia deserved to know and I was tired...oh so tired...of keeping this secret from them. They both deserved to know. I sigh heavily to myself as we watch Abraxas pace in front of the Room of Requirement, the door appearing and causing Olivia to squeak in surprise. Abraxas and I allow Tom and Olivia to go into the room first before following and I can't help but to let out a small smile at the appearance of the room. It was decorated to fit all three houses. Green and silver for Tom and Abraxas, blue and bronze for Olivia and red and gold for me. Comfy armchairs surrounded a multicolored fireplace, a table set in the middle with tea and treats sitting upon it. The walls had various bookshelves, filled to the brim with different types of books and journals. A window sits in the far left wall overlooking the scenic view of the Black Lake and the hills beyond. It was peaceful. For the first time in the past twenty four hours I took a deep near relaxing breath before looking towards the other three.

    Abraxas was already digging into the treats and tea sitting upon the table, while Olivia had all but sunk into the Ravenclaw themed armchair. Tom was perched on the edge of his, starring around the room wide eyed and apprehensive. I casually made my way to the plushy red armchair, sinking into it and letting out a defeated sigh. "This is called the Room of Requirement. All you do is pace in front of the blank wall three times and the room while appear." They didn't say anything. Tom nodded slightly in understanding but Olivia just sat in her chair looking shell-shocked. "I was a Gryffindor in my previous time." I chuckled at Tom's face due to my confession. I let out another sigh before leaning forwards and making myself a cup of tea, not trusting myself to eat anything quite yet. I took a few relaxing sips of the peppermint tea, the room somehow knowing that my stomach was rolling around and needed to be calmed. I could feel Tom's heavy gaze and I was thankful that he didn't start demanding questions out of me right away. "I was born January 1st, 1978." A gasp came from Olivia, who was now staring at me wide eyed, her mouth hanging open comically and her hands clutching the arms of her chair tightly. "You were born 34 years in the future?" I nodded my head yes at her question and if at all possible, her mouth hung upon more. "I was sent back to this time on May 2nd, 1998." My eyes look upon Tom, who was clenching and unclenching his fists and was staring into the fire. "Did you accidentally get sent back?" Olivia was now leaning forwards in her chair and her face had taken a sickly pale color. "No. Someone sent me back." Before she had the chance to respond, Tom had finally found his voice. "Who sent you back? Dumbledore?" His voice was low and his face had scrunched up in dislike at the mention of Albus, but at least he was making eye contact now. "No Tom. You did." It was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room and I watched Tom's face carefully as it shifted from confusion to shock to anger to back to confusion. "Tom sent you back?" Olivia's voice had risen a few octaves, her face of disbelief as she looked back and forth between Tom and I. I nodded my head again but kept my eyes on Tom's. "Why?

    I tried to come up with a way of putting it gently. I couldn't very well come out and say 'because you turned into a raving homicidal lunatic'. "The first thing you need to know Tom...is that we did know each other in my time. The second thing you need to know is that I was born to come back to this time. The last thing you need to know, is that you are not the person I knew from my time." His face had scrunched up in confusion with my words and I couldn't help but think that he looked quite adorable when he did that. Now is not the time for that Vienna. I gave him a moment to collect his thoughts and looked to Abraxas who had stood and was browsing through the bookshelves casually. Olivia had sunk back into her chair again, her face still way to pale for my liking and increasing my concern for her. "Liv." She jumped at the sound of my voice and her eyes snapped to mine in question. "Please eat or drink something. It looks like you're going to pass out." She snorted but leaned forwards again and poured herself a cup of tea. Tom cleared his throat, gaining my attention again and I gave him an encouraging nod. "How did we know each other?" I put down my teacup and gave him a sad smile. "We first met when I was 3 years old. Then we met again the night you sent me back, when I was 19 years old." Olivia choked on her tea and gave me a surprised look. "You're 19?" I let out a small laugh and shook my head. "No. I'm 16 again because of the potion Tom gave me. Although I do still have the brain of a 19 year old I guess." Olivia hummed in acknowledgement before responding. "I guess that explains how you're so good at all of our classes..." A look of betrayal crosses her face and she continues. "But that's cheating!" My laugh was louder this time and I just gave her a shrug of my shoulders. 

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