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(T.M.R. September 1st, 1943)

    The Great Hall was filled with obnoxious laughter, as I sat at the Slytherin table analyzing faces, both new and old. Most of the noise seemed to reverberate from the Gryffindor table, and I rolled my eyes at their lack of knowing silence. The trip back to Hogwarts was boring, the only thing that made it better (surprisingly) was the Prefect meeting with Professor Slughorn. The pot-bellied Potions Professor and the Head of Slytherin house was a joke. The stupid man was obsessed with connections and had what he thought, was a prestigious collection of Hogwarts finest students. The elaborate gatherings he held throughout the year was known as the 'Slug Club' and me, being the best student in Hogwarts, had been apart of the club since my third year. Even though I held no respect for the aging Professor, he has been a valuable asset to my time at Hogwarts. "Something interesting has happened this year children." He had said with a knowing look in his eye while his mouth was full of Crystallized Pineapple. Much to my dismay, he never elaborated on his words and continued speaking with a Ravenclaw boy about his summer adventures. 

    "Attention students!" The voice of Armando Dippet echoed throughout the Great Hall and silencing the vast room. Headmaster Dippet was an old man, with long white hair and relied heavily on a walking cane. I had a good relationship with the Headmaster and found myself in many conversations with the old man. Focusing my attention fully on the Headmaster, I prepared for the long and boring sorting that was about to take place. "Let's begin the sorting shall we?" With his words to the door to the Great Hall opened and through them a group of timid and scared looking first years came. I rolled my eyes at the whimpering that was protruding from the children. I remember my first day at Hogwarts, and I had been full of anticipation, I wasn't scared. Tom Riddle doesn't do 'scared'. The sorting that proceeded was uneventful, we had gained quite a few new Slytherin students, but I didn't seem to bring myself to care. These children were way too young to be of any importance to me and my plans. After the grueling sorting, the Headmaster made his way back to the podium and cleared his throat to regain the attention of the hall. 

     "Now that the sorting has taken place," he begins, smiling kindly at the new first years "I would like to now welcome you to Hogwarts. To our returning students, welcome back!" The hall erupted into claps and cheers at the Headmasters words, silencing the room yet again he continues his speech. "I hope all of you had an enjoyable summer! Now, I would like to remind you all, new and old, that the Forbidden Forest is well, forbidden. Any student that is caught venturing in or out of the forest will receive detention and house points will be taken. Now, my colleague Professor Dumbledore has some words that he would like to say." The Headmaster gestures to Dumbledore to come forward, and immediately the hall sat up straighter. No other professors usually had speeches at the beginning of the year, and I had to admit I was intrigued. 

    "Thank you, Headmaster. I would also like to welcome new and old to our wonderful school!" Dumbledore was looking at all, his eyes shining. I rolled my eyes at his unnerving happiness. "Now, I have something important to tell you all." With his words, the Hall seemed to stop breathing. I could practically see my classmates' ears prick up and focus on the man. "Last year, May 2nd to be exact, our sister school Ilvermorny was brutally attacked by some of Grindelwald's American followers." There was a collection of gasps from students around me at the news. Ilvermorny was supposed to be safe. "In a desperate attempt to save students lives, a brave professor cast a charm, sending those said students away." Immediately my mind began racing, I knew where this was going already. "On that night, something occurred here at Hogwarts, something you all have heard about I'm sure, and our fellow 6th year Slytherin and Hufflepuff students had seen." Vienna. "A girl," Dumbledore began, quieting the room once again, "fell from the sky, very badly wounded." I found my eyes closing tightly, remembering Vienna's mangled body and the blood pouring from her wounds. "Now, I am here to inform you that the girl, is now fully healed, and as of this year due to the wishes of her caretakers, will be beginning her 6th year here at Hogwarts." There was a collective pause, and then all hell broke loose. 

    The students were practically yelling back and forth to each other. They were frightened of this news, what if she was evil, a traitor? What if she brought Grindelwald's followers here to Hogwarts? For some reason I found myself getting angry at their comments, as soon as I realized it I pushed the anger away. "What if she leads them here?" The voice rang out from the Gryffindor table, and my eyes searched for the culprit. Suddenly the doors slammed open with a bang, and the whole halls eyes were on the girl standing in the doorway. I took in her appearance, her lack of bruises and open wounds, she was whole again. Her long white hair was carefully styled to fit those of royalty, and her violet eyes were scanning the hall searching for the voice she heard. She stood straight, and no fear was radiating off her. "I would like you all to meet Vienna Marcus." Dumbledore began, "I hope you all treat her with kindness and show her our hospitality. Miss. Marcus, you may take your seat." 

    Vienna nodded to Dumbledore, and her eyes swept around the room, meeting the gazes of several students and causing them to flinch. Her eyes met mine, and recognition appeared within them. Her lips turned up into a smirk, and not leaving my gaze, she began walking towards me. The whole room had seemed to stop breathing as they watched Vienna make her way to me, eyes never leaving mine once. A strange feeling developed in the pit of my stomach, and I was finding it hard to breathe with every step she took towards me. Noticing the strange feeling I pushed it aside. Vienna was beside me now, looking down into my eyes. She gestured to the empty seat beside me. "May I sit with you?" Her voice was no longer weak and crackly and was full of strength and determination. The strange feeling rose again within me, as I heard her voice and the scent of roses filled my nostrils. 

    I felt a nudge coming from beside me, and it seemed to snap me out of the trance I had seemed to be in. I nodded my head at the girl, and she gracefully sat in the seat beside me careful to keep her distance. I cleared my throat and focused my gaze back upon Vienna. "How are you feeling Vienna?" I ask her as I watch her take tentative sips of her pumpkin juice. She met my eyes for a brief moment before replying. "I'm feeling better, thank you." Across from me, Malfoy was watching our interaction with keen interest. "You're in Slytherin? How come you didn't get sorted with the first years?" He finally asks her, curious but cautious. Turning her attention to Malfoy she gives him a small smirk before answering. "I had nowhere to go during the summer." She begins. "It was too dangerous to go...home. I stayed here at Hogwarts, and I was sorted before you came. The Headmaster thought it'd be better for me so that I could be accustomed to the castle." She finishes. Malfoy gives her a nod, showing he understood. 

    There were whispers throughout the room, and I found myself glaring at those who were giving Vienna a strange look. A warmth leaned into me, and I froze at the strange feeling. My gaze met Vienna's as she leaned in to whisper to me. "I remember you know? You sitting beside me in the Hospital Wing." Mentally slapping myself, I looked at Vienna, feigning surprise. "I never got your name." She looked at me thoughtfully for a moment. Clearing my throat once again, I gave her my signature smirk and was slightly disappointed at her lack of reaction. "Tom. Tom Riddle." She gave me an obviously fake smile and a strange look flashed within her violet eyes. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tom." 

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