Chapter 14

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My head smacked against the glass window, I shot up in my seat and glared at the window. I rubbed my head and checked the time, 6:48 PM. I looked at Matt he seemed to not notice I had woken up. I stretched and gave out a small yawn, Matt glanced over and yawned himself.

"Have a nice nap?" He asked looking at the road.

"Yes I did, until I hit my head against the glass." I rubbed my head again, I had to pee and there was no rest stops in sight.

"That's good,"

He increased speed, we hit 80 miles per hour. I hope we don't get pulled over. I saw the sign for a rest stop and I asked Matt if he stop there, he said yes and a mile later we pulled into the parking lot. I jumped out of the car and ran to the bathrooms, I felt like I was going to pee myself I ran into one of the stalls and looked at the toilet. Ew I can't stand public bathrooms, I did my business and went to wash my hands. I smacked into someone while walking out of the stall.

"Watch it freak."

A blonde haired stuck up girl pushed by me and into a stall, well then where was I. Oh yeah washing my hands! I pushed the soap dispenser and turned on the water I washed the soap off and dried them off with some paper towel. As I was drying my hands the blonde chick came out of the stall and looked at me disgusted, What did I ever do? Oh yeah I ACCIDENTALLY ran into her. I walked out and she followed me, ew she didn't even wash her hands. Matt was sitting at a vending machine trying to get what seemed a pop-tart; a pop-tart came out of the machine. What did I say? he turned around, no sun glasses, and just our luck a two girls one around my age and another around what looked to be 25 walked into the building with Avenged Sevenfold shirts. I could here there whisperers.

"Oh my god, that's M.Shadows!" The one around my age said to the other lady.

"I know! Let's go talk to him!" She took the girls arm and dragged her over to us.

"Um like HI! Your like M.SHADOWS!" They both screamed.

Matt gave out a chuckle " Yes I am, What can I do for you ladies?" Matt smiled showing his dimples. They gave out a scream.

"Um, can we like get an autograph?!" These girls were getting really annoying, I swear if one of them say like again I will throw them in a well. I just stood next to Matt and watched him talk to these overly excited fans, I mean it's only M.Shadows he's not that cool.

"Sure, what do you want signed?" He asked.

"My shirt." The young one said.

"Okay...I need a pen."

"CRAP! I don't a pen!" She wined.

"I have one." I said pulling a sharpie out of my bag.

"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" She gave me a bone crushing hug.

Matt took the pen and wrote on her shirt. She looked at it and screamed she crashed into Matt giving him a hug, freaking out that she just hugged M.Shadows. The whole time the older lady kept looking at me, some were disgusting looks. Hm people just don't like me, oh well suck it I’m the daughter of M.Shadows!

"Can you sign my shirt and boobs?" She asked all perky like, she had a confident smile and her hand pressed to her hip, her head cocked to the side.

"WHAT?!" I spoke angrily out loud.

"What?" She spat at me.

"Oh nothing." I gave her a warning face.

"Matt I’m getting bored, can we leave?" I really wanted to get out of a restroom building it smelled terrible.

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