Chapter 18 ~Kyle~

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       Waking up from my daily nightmare, I pulled the blanket off my body. Sitting up I ran a hand over my face. Getting out of bed I pulled on my jeans and walked down stairs, in the living room sat Chris, Kasey and some random girls. Kasey and Chris were playing video games as for the three girls I have no idea what they're doing. Taking a seat next to Kasey, I watched as Kasey kept dying in World at War, he world throw a mini temper tantrum every time. I glanced over at the three girls, they were all pretty cute.

"Who are they?" I asked Kasey quietly.

"A good time," He smirked. Glancing over at them, I winked making them giggle.

"Now, now Kyle, don't be a tease." Chris joked.

"Bite me." I got up off the couch and made my way to the kitchen. After getting some water I went back out to see my seat had been stolen by one of the girls. Sighing I took a seat next to a blonde girl.

"Hi." I smirked. I saw her flush, cheeks turning a tomato red color.

"Hello." She said in a stutter.

"I'm Kyle."

"Sam." She giggled. I looked over at Chris who seemed to be enjoying himself, and the girl he was with. Kasey was messing whoever he was with. I rolled my eyes at them; I knew exactly why they brought these girls over. I checked the time it was 3:46 getting up I went into the kitchen and stared looking through the cupboards. Finally finding what I wanted I grabbed a tall bottle of vodka and Jack.

"Look what I have." I walked back into the room holding up the bottles; Chris detached his face from whoever he was kissing for a second. Smirked, and went back to kissing her. I handed Kasey the vodka and kept the Jack for myself. Kasey didn't really care any alcohol was good with him, he's an alcoholic. Pulling out a cigarette I lit it up and sucked in the smoke. Taking a drink of Jack the liquid burned my throat as it went down. I handed the bottle to Sam as she gladly took a drink. This girl may be shy, but she knows how to get her drink on.

-one hour later-

Music was pumping through the whole house, three wasted girls stood on a coffee table dancing for us. I sat slouched on the couch with a beer in my hand. As did Chris and Kasey; Getting up I pulled Sam down and danced with her. I only being buzzed knew what I was doing; she on the other hand had no idea. Forcefully she pushed herself upon me grabbing me by the hair locking our lips together. She tasted like Vodka and Bud Wiser. Enjoying the kiss I ran my tongue a crossed her bottom lip, She granted me access, exploring her mouth with my tongue. I detached myself from her, looking down at her I felt my heart literally stop.

"Ally?" It was Ally standing there it felt like everything had gone away that it was just her and I. Her arms wrapped around my waist, unsure if this were really happening I wrapped my arms around her small figure. Placing my lips on her forehead, we swayed slowly to fast beating music.

Slipping a finger under her chin, I lifted her face. Leaning down I connected our lips it wasn't a long kiss but it was passionate. Pulling away I looked down at her again; again my heart stopped and plummeted. It wasn't Ally that I kissed it was Sam. There went my head again, playing tricks on me. Sam tried to lock lips with me again but I wasn't in the mood, lightly I pushed her away from me. A hurt    expression came upon her face; I ignored it. Sitting down I grabbed the half-filled bottle of Jack drinking a mouthful of the liquid. Setting down the bottle I got a cigarette out and lit it enjoying the smoke. Quickly I finished the bottle and felt a blurry haze takeover my vision. Last thing I remember was getting off the couch and making my way towards the group of girls.


                My body ached as I began to wake up, what happened last night? I asked myself, not wanting to get up just yet I rolled onto my side. I felt the other side of the bed shift, my eyes shot open next to me laid a blonde with the name of Sam. Quickly I sat up; I grabbed my head in pain. Lifting the covers I saw that we were both still fully clothed, wait never mind I was missing my shirt which Sam happened to be wearing. Quietly I snuck out of bed and into the bathroom. Looking at myself In the mirror; I looked like a hot mess I had bags under my eye, my hair was in a mess, my muscles were starting to fade my once was 6 pack was slowly fading, my arms ugh I didn’t even want to look at them. Sighing I went back into the bedroom and took out some of my clothes that I stash here. Grabbing a fresh pair of black jeans, socks, a dark red shirt, and a pair of boxers. Just as I went to take a shower, I heard a painful/tired moan escape Sam’s lips sighing I set my clothes down and went down stairs to get her a glass of water. Forgetting that I was only dressed in a pair of jeans; I walked into the kitchen not even realizing one of the girls from last night was in there. She cleared her throat startling me kind of.

“Oh hey,” I said, fixing my hair kind of but it still stayed a mess.

“Hi,” She said in a flirtatious fashion.

“Are you the only one up?” I asked her leaning on the cold counter. She smirked and nodded.  Slowly she made her way towards me; I already knew what she wanted, what a hoe. When she finally got herself close enough she brought out faces together, smirking I moved to whisper in her ear.

“You wish.” I chuckled, looking her dead in the eyes. She looked shocked, so I grabbed the water and made my way back upstairs. When I entered the bedroom, Sam wasn’t in bed. The sound of puking came from the bathroom, Opening the door I found her head stuffed in the toilet throwing up her guts, setting the water down I took her hair and held it up. After a while she stopped and leaned against the vanity whispering like a hurt puppy. My shirt now had vomit on it; well she can defiantly keep that now.

“Come on.” I said picking her up bridle style, putting her back into bed. I went back into the bathroom and grabbed the water.

“Here you need to drink this.” I gave her the water, she slowly sipped it. Getting out one of my old shirts I gave it to her so she could change. Leaving the room I went back down stairs to make toast it usually helps with hangovers.  


After I helped Sam, I took my shower and told Chris and Kasey that I was going home, I really didn’t want to hear there complaining about how their head hurts. After a 15 minute walk home, I arrived home.

I walked into my house and almost immediately I was bombarded by my mom.

“KYLE MASON ANDREWS; WHY DID I FIND AN EMPTY BOTTLE OF ALCHOL IN YOUR BEDROOM!?” My mother’s extremely high pitched voice yelled while she stomped her way over to me from the kitchen.

“Well because I drank it all and left it there mom.” I said pushing my way past her.

“Boy get back here.” My drunken step-fathers voice raged.

“And what do you want?” I turned on my heel to look at him.

“That’s my alcohol; I didn’t buy it for you to consume it.” As he got up the chair he had been sitting in, made a squeal for help. He made his way over to me, going on about how I don’t respect him or my mom blah blah blah blah blah. I rolled my eyes at him he is so pathetic.

“Did you just roll your eyes?” He got in my face.

With a cocky smile “Yeah I did.”

“I’ll smack that smile right off your face boy!” He yelled, spit flying onto my face.

“Do it!” I yelled back.

“No! Please don’t!” My mother yelled at the two of us, but it was too late I felt a stinging pain on the right side of my face.

“That’ll teach you some respect.” He said smirking at his so thought win. Adrenalin pumped through my veins, I lunged towards him punching him straight in the nose, almost knocking him off his feet. We tussled for what was only seconds, but he gained control and I felt a foot collide with my stomach, over, and over again. Grabbed by the shirt a fist collided with my right eye. And I was dropped like dead meat, I laid there feeling crippled. All my mother did was look at me and walk back to the kitchen, my step-dad took a seat back in his chair. Spitting blood on the floor, I slowly and painfully made my way to my room. After what had felt like forever I made it to my room, collapsing onto my bed. After laying there for hours in pain I finally built up the strength to look at myself in the mirror, I had a bruised bloody eye, split lip, and dried blood everywhere. Lifting up my shirt which hid a dark purple/black bruise; that was now forming around my ribs. Covering the bruise back up, I laid back down, for the rest of the night, the pain only seemed to get worse as the night went on.



Please don't hate me for taking so long to update, i've been writer blocked for a REALLY long time now, and I had finally got some inspiration the other day, so I hope you like it, I'm tired so I'm going to sleep now, I stayed up just to finish this because I love you all.

Please comment and vote it means alot. 

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