Scarful moments, and suprising visits

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I woke up and Kyle was sound asleep beside me I was comfortable so I closed my eyes, I fell asleep for another 10 minutes and when I opened my eyes Kyle was gone. I walked out of my room and went to the bathroom I looked in the mirror and I brushed my hair and went into the kitchen, Tom was sitting in there drinking coffee just looking at the counter top.


"Yeah?" he said without looking up.

"I know this is a stupid question, and please don't go off on me, but are you going to be okay?" I said with a tear in my eye.

"Not really,"

"I know how you feel, I miss her," He got up and gave me a big hug, he has never done that before, I mean he has but this time it felt like he actually meant it.

"I'm so sorry ally," He said with a shaky voice. I didn't say anything I just sat there in the hug, he let go of me and walked away. I looked around the empty kitchen, I looked at the stove were my mom would usualy be standing making us breakfast.

I cried silently, There was a big boom in the living room it made me jump out of my skin I was scared to go in the living room butI did, I saw an angry Tom and a huge hole in the wall.

"Tom what did you do?"

"What does it look like I did?!"

"It was just a question,"

"God dammit!" he screamed, I was scared. He walked over to me and asked me why I was shaking, I didn't answer him and he got mad. he grabbed my wrist and dragged me in the kitchen, he grabbed a knife and put it to my neck.

"Tom! please don't!" I screamed He had pure anger in his eyes, he threw me on the ground and put his knees on my wrist's he lifted my shirt to the belly button and slowly cut my hip, I screamed in pain, it was the loudest i've ever screamed in my whole life, blood pooled from my body then he threw the knife and slammed himself into a corner, he started shaking his head and crying like a little kid would if they had gotten into trouble. I grabbed my hip and ran to the bathroom I was leaving blood everywhere. I grabbed a wet rag and applied pressure, tom came up stairs and I hid in the bathtub.



"I didn't mean to,"

"HOW! you fucking cut me open like a insane person!" I screamed at him.

"I don"t know what came over me,"

"My ass,"

"At least let me clean you up," He helped me put of the bathroom and got the first aid kit, he took out

that white wrap stuff, and a new rag, he stopped my bleeding and wrapped the stuff around my hip about 5 times.

"Ally I'm so sorry," he said while crying, I just turned away from him. He finished cleaning up, and I

walked out of the bathroom, not saying a word.

I just walked into my room and locked the door behind me, I put black jeans on a purple boy beater and a black jacket. I jumped out my window and painfully walked to Kyles house, I walked in and spooked his mom. I didn't say anything even though she was talking to me, I walked up stairs to where Kyles room was, I walked in to him jacking off.

"Shit! Ally what the fuck?!"

"What the hell Kyle?!"

"Why the fuck are you just barging into my room for you bitch?"

"Why the fuck can't I walk into my best friends room without having to see his dick? asshole,"

"What the fuck are you doing here anyways?"

"I came here to talk, okay?"

"About what?"

"Well I kind f have to show you," I said looking away.

"Who do I have to kill?" He said with an evil glare.

"I lifted my shirt and before Istarted to explain he already was freaking out.

"What the fuck Al, who the fuck did this?" He said yelling

"Tom," I said coldly.

"Why the hell did he do this?!" he said looking at my side.

"I don't know," I said looking down. I unwrapped my side and kyle was speechless.



"I need to take you to the hospital,"

"No, it's not that bad it should heal itself,"

"How do you know?" I didn't answer him I just wrapped my side up and layed down on his bed.

I hissed with pain when I first layed down but the pain went away after awhile, we were sitting on Kyles bed taking turns playing darkness. It was Kyles turn and I was listening to him complain about how he couldn't beat the level, I was laughing an dmy pocket started to vibrate. I took my phone out and answered it,

"What do you want?" I said in a snobby way

"You need to come home,"

"Why? So you can cut me up some more Tom?"

"No, The cops are here to talk to you,"


"I don't know they wont tell me they told me to call you, and tell you to come home,"

"Okay, i'll get a ride home from mrs.Andrews and i'll be home in 5 minutes,"


"By the way Kyle is coming to,"

"That's okay,"

I hung up the phone and told Kyle what we had to do so he saved the game and he went down stairs

and asked his mom to drive me home. I went down stairs and we piled into his moms mini van, a few minutes later we were at my house and there was a cop car sitting in the driveway like Tom told me there would be. I thanked his mom and we made our way to the steps of my house and slowly walked in...

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