Red skinny jeans and hurtful words

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I woke up to my alarm clock, it read 5:30 on it, I got up and went to go take a shower, after I did I blow dried my hair, my hair is naturally straight so I didn't have to straighten it. I went back into my room and got out red skinny jeans and a fallout boy shirt, I put on my black shoes and grabbed my bag and jacket then started walking to my bus stop. It takes me 5 minutes to walk to my bus stop and the whole time I just listen to music, when I get there I ignore the laughs from the fucking assholes, I sit down in my regular spot and wait for Kyle. When the bus came Kyle was still not at the bus stop so I got on the bus and headed to hell. When I got to school Kyle was waiting for me.

"Hey," He said

"Hey," I gave him a hug

"Whats up?"

"Oh the usual,"

"I'm sorry I missed the bus,"

"Hey, don't be sorry,"

"But," I cut him off

"But nothing, Really it's okay,"

"Alright," he said with a cute smile. The first bell rang and we went to our first class, the day went by fast I had 2 test today and one quiz then lunch came around the corner, Kyle and I ate outside like we always do and we would mess around and piss people off. After lunch I had gym, then my last class would be math and I would be out of hell for the rest of the day.

When I was in gym we did fitness training and of course I was the only one who would do it and not complain, but I got teased for it.

"Hey bitch, you might need to do an extra 10 jumping jacks to get that fat off you're body," She laughed with her friends.

"At least I don't shove my finger down my throat every time I eat,"

"What the fuck did you just say to me?" she got in my face

"You herd me skinny whore,"

"You better watch you're mouth goth bitch," She threatened me

"how about you shove another dick in you'res," She gave me a hatred look and stormed away with her clones.

After gym and math I got back onto the bus with kyle. I told him about what happend in gym and he was so proud of me.

While we walked back to my house Kyle stopped and had a face like he just saw a dog get hit by a truck.

"Kyle what are you looking at," but when I turned around I didn't expect to see what I saw. The cops were back and they were waiting for me, once they saw me and Kyle they told us to come over to them, they said it was important, they told us to get in the back seat of the car and that they were taking us to the station, I was tired so I rested my head on Kyles shoulder, I sorta dozed off because one minute we were at my house and then we were at the police station. They took us inside and they started asking me questions, about my father if I knew anything about him. When I told them I didn't know anything they let us go and took me back home, when we got back Tom was just leaving the police officer gave him a nod and left. Kyle said he was going to walk home and he left I went inside and finished my home ork and listened to music.

There was a knock on the door and then it opened, Kyle walked in with a busted lip and a forming black eye.

"Kyle!? Holy shit are you okay?"

"I'm fine," He said in an angry tone.

"What the fuck happened?"

"It's my step dad again,"

"Why the fuck did he do this to you're face?" I said while handing him an ice pack.

"because of those damn cops,"


"I was home late and he got pissed we started fighting and he punched me, I punched back, I knockedhim out cold for a few seconds and I ran out of there straight here," He got up and started pacing.

"Kyle stop moving I'm trying to clean up the blood,"

"And the funny part is my mom just let him do it!" He said without stopping



"stop moving, please,"

"Oh sorry,"

"Again, don't be, I know how you are when you're mad," He sat down and I cleaned the blood from his lip.

"so you want to spend the night?"


"okay I still have some of you're clothing from last time you spent the night.

"Alright, um do you want to watch some movies and just chill and eat junk food for the rest of the night?" He asked me.


For the rest of the night we did just that, we decided we weren't going to school tomorrow so when we went to sleep it was around 4:00am we fell asleep on the couch watching Black hawk down.

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