Healthy Relationship Tips 💍

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17 Ways to Improve your Relationship

1. Balance self-care with the relationship.

2. Respond more than react.

3. Crave out "us time."

4. Express appreciation often.

5. Please and thank you go a long way.

6. Take responsibility for your actions.

7. Practice acceptance.

8. Know when to talk things out and to wait until a better time.

9. Support each other without having to fix it or agree.

10. Respect differences without expressing judgement.

11. Beware of his/her feelings.

12. Apologize.


14. Keep affection alive.

15. Let yourselves miss each other.

16. Encourage growth and change.

17. When you two are fighting, always remember that it's you guys vs. the problem, not you vs. them.

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