Vaginal Health 🌺

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10 Everyday Things You Can Do For a Happier Vagina.

1. Change immediately after working out or swimming.

Yeast infections thrive in moist, warm places; Sweat and water can both create this kind of environment in your body, so the sooner you can change out of your swimsuit or workout clothes, the better.

2. Keep washing to a minimum (and do it right).

Experts don't recommend douching because it can disturb the pH balance in your vagina. You should only be washing with mild, unscented soap on the outside and just water on the inside. If you're sensitive or easily irritated down there, you may want to forgo soap entirely and try a gentle, pH-balanced product like RepHresh™ Intimate Wash.

3. Eat a vagina-friendly diet.

Like your gut, your vagina relies on healthy bacteria to ward off bacteria that causes infections. Probiotic foods like yogurt and cheese and prebiotic foods like raw onions and leeks are important for maintaining these good bacteria. Prone to UTIs? Cranberry pills can help combat them by stopping bacteria from attaching to the bladder and urethra.

4. Always wipe from front to back.

As you can imagine, you do not want to bring what's lurking in the back over to the front. This can introduce E. coli and other bacteria from the GI tract into the vagina.

5. Treat sex like wiping—always go from front to back.

Definitely don't go from anal to vaginal sex without changing the condom or properly cleaning off first. Going from backdoor to front exposes your vagina to a host of bacteria and can up your risk of infections.

6. Select your underwear wisely.

Cotton underwear is the best kind for your vagina because it's most breathable. For the same reason, you're better off not wearing any underwear at all when you sleep. And avoid thongs. They can bring bacteria to the urethra, which can lead to UTIs.

7. Do your Kegel exercises.

If you're not already familiar, Kegel exercises involve squeezing then fully relaxing your PC muscles – the ones around the vagina, anus, and urethra that you use to prevent leaking. Having relaxed and strong vaginal muscles not only leads to better sex but also can make childbirth easier and prevent leaking down the line.

8. Use a water-based lube

Lube prevents micro-tears in the urethra and vagina that contribute to infections, but petroleum-based products can actually irritate the area more, so you're better off with something water-based. RepHresh™ Vaginal Gel also doubles as lube, so if you're already using it, you can just leave it in.

9. Stretch your inner thighs

Believe it or not, your vagina will thank you for exercising other parts of your body. You can stretch out your inner thighs be extending one leg outward, place it on the seat of a chair. Then bend from your hip toward your leg until you feel a pull in the groin and inner thigh area.

10. Don't blow off your gyno.

Although new guidelines advise against annual pelvic exams if you're symptom-free and not pregnant (every three years for normal Pap tests), a visit to your doctor isn't just about poking around your lady parts. Before you automatically switch to the three-year rule, talk it over with your doctor. Some risk factors (along with your personal and family histories) can make it so you need pelvic exams and Pap tests more frequently.

It's also okay to want an annual exam, even if you don't need one. You can use that time to chat about birth control, fertility, and STI checks.

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