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did you know this is actually chapter 12? I KNOW I KNOW!

anyways here you are my friends~!


(sorry for spelling errors)


Grays head was pounding. His whole body ached and his mind was hazy. As his eyes fluttered open he recognized the familiar sight of the dragon hearts infirmary.

'How the hell did I get here?' He thought to himself while sitting up.

He was greeted by a sharp pain throughout his body. "Gray!" Kaden gasped while running to his side. "H-he's awake!!" Wendy panicked a bit and dropped something before also rushing to grays side.

"What the hell happened?" Gray questioned. "I-i'll get Natsu..." Kaden muttered while swiftly leaving the conversation.
"Wendy... what happened?!" Gray started to panic. His memory was fuzzy but he had to have been in the infirmary for a good reason.

Not even a minute later the door was knocked down. "GRAY!?" Natsu shouted, a worried expression embedded onto his face.

"Jeez flame brain... we're gonna have to pay for that..." Gray mused. Natsu sprinted over to gray and engulfed him in a very loving (and painful) hug.

"Ow- ow careful fuu--" Gray hissed at the sudden physical contact but when Natsu let go he felt an odd sense of loss.
"Who...what... who hurt you? When did you-- oh god Gray I thought I lost you..." Natsu whined into Grays ear.

Gray smiled at this, it was always nice to see Natsu lose his normal hot headed "I'm a huge idiot" self. His caring side was always something gray will always love about the dragon slayer.

"Slow down... What's going on?" Gray asked, unconsciously squeezing Natsu's hand.
"The guild is... was attacked and you..." natsu paused and bit his lip.

"You were heavily injured..." Wendy finished for him. "Honestly I thought we were going to lose you..." Wendy stated with a sad smile.

"Do you remember who attacked you? Or what happened for a matter of a fact?" Wendy questioned. Natsu huffed an annoyed expression out.

"It was fairy tail... they did it..." Natsu said while he grit his teeth with visible anger. Gray squeezed his hand again, urging him to calm down.

Wendy eyed their behaviour before speaking again. "I... it was--" Grays suddenly felt off. Like his throat had collapsed on him. "Fairy tail"
Gray covered his mouth.

'I didn't say that... it was... that person with the cloak' he thought to himself. His mind still felt hazy and for some reason he couldn't say anything.

But before he could explain anything Natsu shot up. "There. It's confirmed, were going straight to fairy tail. Screw the stupid council! We're gonna make every last one of them pay!" Natsu declared with his fists clenched.

Gray wanted to grab him, pull him back, tell him to calm down and that it really wasn't fairy tail. But he just sat there. He couldn't move if he wanted. It felt like something was keeping him there.

Wendy looked at gray suspiciously. She didn't say anything but she had this look like 'is everything ok?' On her face.

Gray felt so guilty, as much as he held a grudge against fairy tail for hurting natsu they really didn't do anything.

Grays mind wondered. Not noticing the warmth that had left the room from natsu's absence.

'That day when we left...' he remembered all the smoke, and all the emotions that had overtook everyone. 'Smoke...' Grays gasped, startling Wendy in the process. "I-it' was the same! It has to be them!" Gray thought aloud with a panicked expression.

"How could I be so freaking stupid!" Gray yelled at himself. (A/n: im so bad at english im sorry)

"Wh-wha--" Wendy struggled to keep up. "What's the same?" She asked. Gray shook his head. "No time! Get Natsu I-i have to tell him--" Grays throat tightened up. Words he wanted to say fell flat.

A sharp pain hit him. And then, all he saw was black.

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