Discontinue 2022

261 4 3

Hello everyone ^^
I've realized there are people who do still read this (a lot don't anymore since it's been like.. years) and I thought since I've already moved to AO3 and I do think I've improved a lot I might as well rewrite one of my first FF I've written.

I think it'll be cross-posted on AO3 and here, and I will either make a new book or edit/add new things to the existing chapters here.

I haven't started it tbh... I apologize because I've been out of fairy tail fandom for a while.

My new Ao3 (which I made to start over pt2 lol) is MatchaLoving on AO3 :)

If you like demon slayer then I'm currently writing something on that ^^

Thank you all for the love on this story, I'm really surprised how many people liked this since it was written so long ago.
Thank you and ill see you all soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2023 ⏰

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