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Okay, well that's like my second smutty thing ever... I edited it like at least 10 times because I wanted it to be right haha. So you must tell me what you thought or I'll be sad... :(

Longest chapter I ever have written...btw Word count: 3780


"Okay, so I called a cab and it should be here in ten minutes!" Becca announced as she returned, placing her cellphone in her purse and sat down on the bed next to Laura.

"I don't think I'll bring my phone nor a purse, I'll just stuff my bra with cash!" I told them. I wanted to be able to dance all night without having to worry where my purse is or something like that, dancing with purses ain't fun.

"Why?" Laura questioned.

"I don't want to worry about if I lost or forgot something but I'll text Chris before leave so he won't have to worry."

I got up from the bed and went over to my bag, searching for my phone. If Chris would arrive at 8 then he would get the about the same time we did, so I could easily get him in faster.

'Hey, babe. Just wanted to make sure you know where the bar is and that we're meeting at 8... I won't bring my phone so that's why I'm checking in on you earlier. '

Not even a minute after I pressed 'send' , my phone started ringing Samsung's trademark message tone.

'Yeah, I'm sure that I know where it is... We'll meet up there, babe '

I wondered if he was close, I mean it was already 7.20 p.m and if the cab would be here in 10 minutes, well I was going to be there about 5 minutes before 8. He would have to be pretty close to make it there in time.

Sounds good, are you almost there?

"Texting loverboy I see" Becca cooed as she swirled a lock of her hair around her finger.

I raised an eyebrow at her, "What makes you think that I did?"

"Because you get this dorky smile whenever you talk about him, talk with him or text him. It's almost sickening how adorable you are" Laura explained as she traced one of her skull-tattoos on her left arm. I felt myself blush a bit, but I guess it was true. I was a dork with him or whenever someone mentioned something about Chris I would feel butterflies in my stomach. It still surprises me after 1,5 years that we've been together that he still has that effect on me.

"Stop thinking about him!" Becca shouted as she interrupted my thoughts by throwing a pillow at my head. I just laughed as I check the time on my cellphone.

"Girls, the can should be here any second. We better head down to the lobby" I explained as I once again walked over to my bag and dug up my wallet. Opening the wallet, I grabbed the lose bills I had and stuffed it in my bra. I know classy, right?

We walked out of the hotel room, after making sure that Becca put the hotel key in her purse so I could get in again.

After we had paid the cab driver for the ride over to Johnny's, we were stoked to head in and party. Tonight I was going to get real damn wasted like I always get on my birthday, one year older didn't matter. When we entered the bar my eyes automatically started scanning the crowd for Chris, with no luck I assumed he still hadn't arrived.

We sat down next to a table as it wasn't occupied. I ordered myself a jack and coke, knowing that I hadn't had one of those in over a year. The waiter came back after a couple of minutes serving us our drinks and left leaving the recipe. I had also ordered a beer for Chris, knowing that he always had one before the other stuff. Just as I was about to reach out to grab my glass, a pair of big arms embraced me from behind causing me to squeak at the surprise. My head turned to the person and I shot up out of my seat, hugging Chris tightly after placing a kiss on his lips.

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