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This will end on chappy 30 :)

...but I'm already thinking of a sequel or what do you think?


I carefully placed the key into the keyhole and turned it around quietly, feeling like a teenager once again that had snuck out and was sneaking back in trying to avoid my parents from hearing and seeing me. Hands were shaking from nerves- I didn’t want to see Chris right after coming from a hotel where I had cheated on him with the man I used to love years ago. That would seem even worse despite this entire situation being as bad as it possibly could be by now. Well there was actually one thing that made the entire situation just disastrous, I probably still had feelings for Brian and though I had been pissed this morning I realized that it was probably because I was disappointed in that I had allowed them to resurface and take over; control my actions and letting free of all my inhibitions just because I had some problems in my relationship.

My hands were shaking as I twisted the door knob, wincing and holding my breath as I heard the door whine as I opened it. Holy mother of god, it had to be a bitch to me when I wanted to sneak in otherwise the door would go as smoothly as possible. Karma. My hair was still dripping wet from the shower so it wasn’t a surprise to me that I shivered when I felt a thick strand of it fall out of my messy ponytail onto my back. I was looking down at the floor as I walked in, slightly hunched over and turned around, as I close the door as quietly as I could.

I tried tip toing up the stairs when I heard that the television was on, some football game playing and that meant I had to be quiet as I walked past the living-room and invisible. It was ridiculous to hide from my boyfriend I knew that, it just like trying to get away from getting caught when you were younger but in an essence that was what I was doing except now I was an adult and shouldn’t
act like that.

“Babe?” I cursed mentally, slowly turning around upon hearing Chris get off the sofa. “Babe? Where were you? I was so worried.”

He rushed over to me and embraced me in a bone crushing hug as he place a kiss on top of my head, holding me to his warm, muscular chest for a while. I breathed in his scent, something I always did because it calmed me down but now it just made me more scared and guilty after what I had done. The familiar scent of his GANT cologne mixed with his natural one and detergent was heavenly. Something I found always would comfort me and make me forget my problems but now he, I and Brian was the problems which just intensified the bad, negative feelings and multiplying the load on my shoulders I felt from cheating on him.

“You alright?” It was then I noticed Chris had slightly pulled away, holding me by my shoulders and looking at me out of concern. I bit my lip and mustered up a pathetic smile.

I needed to tell him. “Chris?”


I sighed. “Can we talk about something?”

He scratched his neck, before shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know, I need to leave soon but meet
me up at dinner tonight at six okay? I’ll pick you up.”

“But Ch-” he pecked my lips and rushed out of the house faster than the speed of lightning. I had barely registered that he had left in the middle of me trying to talk him out of going wherever he was going and now he was gone. I exhaled a nervous breath I realized I had been holding. I guess I would have to tell him during dinner. Deciding that now would be a great time to shower properly and get rid of everything that could possibly remind me of Brian that was on me, besides the memory of waking up next to his warm body in a hotel.

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