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Filler, sorry guys. Not one of my best chappy's because I'm fucking exhausted.

New updating schedule for this story- This one will be update every other Monday instead, starting next week. So every two weeks.

Also I think I might end this story on chapter 30 or 35, no further than chapter 40. So you know there's still a long way to go...and depending on the ending which I have not decided how it will be I might write a sequel since I've grown to love Ashleigh Bennet!


Waking up had been quite the shock with the immense head ache, sore body and confused thoughts of where I was. The setting in the room was pretty bright, with beige and yellow colours and the bed I was in was covered in beige silk sheets that reminded me of ice cream for some sort of reason. I also noticed an old TV in the corner, sitting on a rustic old desk. It all felt to empty and the decorating was way too old fashioned, which made me realize that I was in a hotel room.

I groaned as I sat up, trying to straighten out my tousled hair and ran my hands underneath my eyes, just in case I was rocking the raccoon fashion. Once I had finished stretching, I ripped the covers off me only to throw them back on in pure panic. I was naked, completely naked, no underwear whatsoever. Holy shit, what happened last night?

The only things I could remember and as far as I could remember was seeing Jessica and Chris on the beach, going to a bar for a drink or two then it were all blank. Though my questions were answered when, I noticed how it felt all sore and stiff in my lower regions. One thing I was sure off was that I had sex and judging by the fingermarks on my hips that I noticed as I examined myself was that I sex and hard.

It had to be Chris, he liked it hard and fast if that was one thing I had learned from having sex with him. Maybe we had made up or something at the bar. I could even have gotten so drunk that Hank called Chris and with me being all touchy feely as drunk we could have easily made up. A sigh of relief left my lips as I realized that probably was what happened. I didn’t like not knowing things so why I always got drunk off my ass I never realized especially when I knew how I would wake up completely unaware of what had happened after the first drink had been finished.

Deciding that it would probably be best to hit the shower I once again tossed the covers off me and ran into the bathroom since I wasn’t sure if people could see through the windows or if the blinds were used. The shower was a good idea for one, well I had sex and two, I probably not only rocked the raccoon fashion, I probably looked like a raccoon in its entirety.

“Ahh,” I moaned as I turned on the shower, feeling the warm water relax the sore and tense parts of my body. Reaching for one of the miniature shampoo bottles that lied on the small shelf in the corner of the shower. When I had shampooed my hair I rinsed it out and didn’t bother using the conditioner since I would shower again at home and do it more thoroughly, this was just to refresh myself.

Once I was done in the shower, I got out and grabbed one of the white fluffy towels that hung on the walls and wrapped myself up in it. My headache still wasn’t gone so I decided to sleep until Chris would come back. I didn’t bother putting anything back on so I just slipped under the covers and closed my eyes, falling asleep shortly after.

I was woken up when I felt kisses being placed on my neck and an arm snaking around my waist, caressing me. Smiling softly I turned around and snuggled into his chest, before yawning and opening my eyes.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I screamed as I ripped myself from Brian’s embrace and jumped out of the bed with the sheet covering my body.

He looked at me with a sour look on his face. “Of course you’re gonna act like that after last night.”

“After what!?”

He laughed bitterly. “We slept together… several times actually so you can drop the act Ash.”

My mouth dropped and I felt my entire world crashing down. I had cheated on Chris and worst of all, with Brian. I felt tears stinging in my eyes and I opened and closed my eyes several times, hoping to get something to say but nothing happened. Backing up against the wall I slowly slid down it and landed with a thump on the floor, in a state of shock. My hand covered my mouth as it was gaped and I just felt blank. It didn’t make any sense how I could… how I could have cheated on Chris, sure I was still pissed at him but if anything I wanted to be faithful no matter what and be the good person in this, not make it look as if I sought revenge on him.

“You really don’t remember do you?” I heard Brian’s voice soft and weak, almost as if realization had hit him. Looking up I saw his face and he looked hurt as he ran a hand through his black hair. My eyes stayed fixed on whatever was in front of me as I thought about the night, the sex and what I was going to do about Chris. It wasn’t until I felt something on my shoulder that I looked up and saw Brian. Immediately anger bubbled up inside me and I stood up, shrugging his hand off me.

“Don’t touch me!” I screamed moving as far away from him as I could.

He looked down, sighing before looking back up and slowly moving towards me. “Look… Can we

just talk things out and-”

“- there’s nothing to talk about Brian!”

He groaned. “Yes there is!”

“No there isn’t. Get out!”

“Ash, come on.” He pleaded but I was far too upset to give in.

I shook my head as I felt the tears starting to pour down my face. “Get out! Get out, get out, GET OUT!” I shouted.

He hissed. “Fucking fine.”

Brian walked towards the door and opened it, before he walked out he stopped and looked at me before shaking his head and slamming the door after him. I exhaled shaky breaths and sat down on the bed, burying my head in my hands as I leaned forward. What was I going to do?

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