Chapter 40.

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"Jay! I'm home baby!" I said, closing and locking the front door behind me. "Baby?"

I walked from the foyer further into the back of the house towards the kitchen.

"Babe?" I called, searching throughout the first floor, then making my way towards the stairs. "Baby you up here?"

I walked into our room, then moved towards the bathroom when I heard a noise.


Seeing Serena was...

Shocking to say the least.

I figured I would feel some type of way, but I didn't mean to just walk out like that.

I hoped I could fix it soon, because honestly, that little girl didn't deserve to be ignored because of her parents.

"How you feeling babe?" Nate asked, coming back from the bathroom.

"Better. Think I'll actually try to talk to Serena today."

"Good." He smiled. "That's really good. C'mere."

I leaned towards him and accepted his invitation of a kiss on the lips.

"Mm. Gimme some more of that." He mumbled, leaning in again.

"You're silly." I laughed and kissed him again.

"Littttle bit more." He stuck out his lips with his eyes closed.

I grabbed the sides of his face and planted a soft kiss on his lips, before deepening it.

He returned the kiss and slid closer to me.

"Oh-kaaaay." He pulled back reluctantly. "That's enough for now. If I don't stop, then I'll really get worked up."

I wasn't too far from getting turned on as well...

"You're right." I agreed. "Plus I need to get ready anyway."

He stared at me and one side of his mouth lifted.

"You're gorgeous, just so you know."

"Thank you baby." I grinned.

"You're very welcome." He pecked my lips again. "I'll leave you to it."

He left me sitting on the bed with a small smile on my face.

Angel stirred in her sleep and moved towards me before she even opened her eyes.

"Hi Ang." I sat her in my lap and she immediately laid her head on my chest.

"Mama." She mumbled, already drifting back to sleep.

I moved to try and stood and she whimpered and tightened her hold on me.

I sighed.

So much for getting dressed.

After a while I finally decided to just lay her down and get dressed anyway.

The moment she felt her body being moved, her eyes popped open and she started to cry.

"Shhh hush baby, let me just get dressed."

"Maaamaaa!" She whined, reaching her hands up for me.

I shushed her again as I quickly tried to stripped out of my clothes.

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