Chapter 4.

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"You've really grown." He complimented, sitting on a barstool and looking me up and down.

A wave of deja vu instantly hit me.

The last time I was with this man...

I shook my head of those memories.

"What do you want?" I asked as steadily as I could.

"I wanted to see you. Is something wrong with that?" He raised an eyebrow and slightly bit his lip. "I've missed you."

"No." I growled. "You stay the hell away from me."

I could feel myself shaking.

After all this time, now he wanted to show up.

When my life was finally getting back to somewhat of normality because he ruined it.

I stood up and strode away, leaving me and Naomi's belongings behind.

I was almost to the bathroom when I was grabbed from behind.

I turned and glared at him.

"Let. Me. Go." I hissed and tried pulling away but he gripped me tighter.

He dug his nails into my skin and I whimpered in pain as he pulled me into a corner.

I tried not to inhale that familiar cologne that was the scent of so much pain.

He pressed one of his palms over my mouth.

"Why are you running?" He crooned into my ear. "I know you miss me. I know your body misses me. All the things I could and have done to this sweet little body of yours..."

He trailed the back of his other hand down my cheek.

The act was so gentle I nearly forget what a true monster he really was.

He pulled me against him so that I couldn't help but feel his erection against my backside, then said,  "You still have this effect on me."

I frantically searched for somebody, anybody, to help because I knew what he was about to do.

But we were in one of the darkest, most secluded spots of the club.

No one could see us, which meant no one could help me.

As if reading my mind, he chuckled.

"There's no one to help you this time, my sweet baby." He whispered and I flinched as he placed a soft kiss to the side of my neck. "No one to hear your screams of pain," He bit my neck hard with the tip of his teeth, "or pleasure."

He soothed the pain with his tongue and kissed it again.

I shuddered in disgust.

No, not again.

He moved his hand from my mouth and ran it down my arm.

"Please," I whispered. "No."

He pulled back in surprise.

"No?" He looked amused. "Well you should know by now darling that I don't take no for an answer."

He placed his hands on my shoulders and slowly slid them down.

"I think you've gotten even more beautiful from when we were last together." He purred in my ear.

His hands found my shirt zipper and slowly began sliding it down.

But I couldn't stop him because I was paralyzed with fear.

The fear that was slowly becoming a reality as my shirt sagged around my body and his hands found my pants zipper.

Then he slid a hand into the front of my jeans.

I stiffened.

"Mmm you're so wet for Papa." He grunted.

I felt him unzipping his pants.

My eyes filled with tears and everything became blurry as his hands slid over my body but I didn't let them fall because it would only make him angry.

I didn't tell him to stop either because I knew he wouldn't.

He never did.

And it's when he pulled me deeper into the dark corner that I let the tears fall because I knew he couldn't see them.

No one can see me.

No one can save me.

Something sharp pierced my arm and suddenly I couldn't feel him kiss up and down my body or his hands rubbing me in places they shouldn't.

The music from the club and the cheers of happiness from the people on the dance floor all faded to a low hum in my ears.

But I did feel my eyelids become heavy and I realized this was my one escape: this warmth of closing my eyes and falling into this deeper darkness than this corner.

If I fell into the darkness I wouldn't have to feel what he was sure to do to me.

I wouldn't have to relive these memories for years and years like the last times.

So I let my eyes flutter close.

And I let go.

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