Chapter 17.

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•Five Days Before Angel's Bday Party•


"N-Nathan stop!" I squealed, slapping his hands away from my sides.

"Stop hitting me then." He chuckled and continued to tickle me.

I squirmed in the passenger seat.

"Take it back."

"Nope." I responded childishly.

"Aight then." His fingers dug deeper into my sides.

"OKAY! F-Fine, I'll take it back." I shouted with a smile as tears ran down my face. "You were right."

"There ya go." He removed his hands from my sides and sat up right in his seat. "Now was that so hard?"

"I don't like you." I stuck my tongue out in response.


"I'm serious."

"Another lie."

I punched his arm and cringed as he laughed.

That probably hurt me more than him.

"I'm sure Angel hits harder than you." He smirked and pulled out of the movie theater parking lot.

"Nuh-uh." I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes. "Get on my damn nerves."

"But you like me though, so shut up." He grinned.

I rolled my eyes again but couldn't help the smile that slid on my face.

I couldn't argue with that.

"Mhmm. Hush mode." He bit his bottom lip and nodded his head sharply.

"Oh shut it Nathan." I respond.

He glanced at me before looking back at the road.

"Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" I raised an eyebrow slightly.

"Call me Nathan. Why won't you ever just call me Nate?"

I turned to look at him.

Because if I call you by your nickname, I'll get close to you, and if I get close to you, you'll leave.

Just like-

"I don't know. It's just...natural I guess." I lied. "Does it bother you?"

"Nah it's just..." He sighed. "Nothing."

"No, go ahead. What is it?" I push.

"It's nothing." He stated.

I kept my mouth closed after that.

The car is silent until he pulled into my driveway.

I opened my door and waited for him to turn the car off and join me.

Instead his sat in his seat facing forward with his arms draped over the steering wheel.

"You're not coming in?" I questioned, unbuckling myself from the seat.


What the hell is wrong with him?

I sighed and started to climb out of the car when his voice stopped me.

"Bethany, what are we doing?" He asked quietly.

I scrunched my eyebrows.

"You just brought me home. What-"

"No. I mean what is this?" He motioned between us. "What are we? Are we friends? Are we dating? Do you even have feelings for me?"

I scoffed.

"Of course I have feelings for you. It's just-" I started before he interrupts me.

"It's just your feelings for me aren't as strong as mine are for you. I get it." He finished for me.


How did everything go downhill so fast?

"That is not what I was going to say Nathan." I replied.

He opened his car door and climbed out then placed his arms on the roof of the car.

"But it's what you wanted to say, right?" He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Is that why you won't call me Nate? You're so afraid to be with me that you don't even want to get close to me?"

I sighed and closed my door.

"Natha-Nate," I corrected, walking around the car to stand beside him. "I do like you. A lot actually. I'm just...I'm not looking for a relationship right now. I just need more time..."

I gently placed a hand on his arm and he pulled it back quickly.

"Time for what, Bethany? Time to find someone else? Are you waiting for your baby daddy to come back? Is that it? Well I'll make it easier for him." He slid back into his car and slammed the door closed.

"Nate stop!"

He rolled his window down.

"What?" He stared straight ahead.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled. "Where is all this coming from?"

"What do you mean where is this coming from? It's always been there! You just never want to talk about it. I want to be with you so damn much Bethany. But you're still hung up on him, I can tell. You're in love with him and he isn't even here" He spit before finally turning to look at me. "I wish you two the best of luck. Bye Bethany."

And with that, he rolled his window up and left my driveway.

A strangled cry escaped my mouth.

It isn't what he said that hurt me, itt was the fact that he was right.

I do love August.

One of the reasons I can't get serious with Nathan was because I was waiting for August to come back.

Not to mentioned the trauma I've already experienced behind men.

I am in love with August Alsina,  but it doesn't matter now because he isn't coming back.

And I just possibly lost a good man because of him.

Aww likes Bethany!

What do you think?

•Was Nate wrong for going off on Bethany like that?

•Is Bethany wrong for still having feelings for August and not telling Nathan sooner?

Keep reading/voting/commenting!


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