Chapter 38.

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B texted me her and Nathan's burger orders, and Rena and I stopped at a fast food place after leaving Sylvia's.

Once we got back to the house, I got out of the car and opened the back door so Serena could get out.

"Okay, your big surprise is inside. I need you to be good for daddy, aight?"

"Yes sir." She nodded her head quickly. "Ooo is it a pony?"

I gave her a look and she shrugged innocently.

"Why in the world, would I put a horse in my house and not-" I stopped and laughed. "Come on. Get your backpack." I pressed my lips to her forehead.

I grabbed the food bags and waited for her to get her stuff before walking to the door leading to the house.

We walked into the kitchen and I set the bags on the table and handed Rena her kids meal.

"We back." I shouted.

"Daddy who you talkin to?" Serena looked at me crazy.

"It's your surprise. Now shhh and eat your food." I shushed her.

She grinned and started eating.

Bethany walked in carrying Angel with Nathan close behind.

She paused when she saw Serena and I waited for her reaction.

Angel turned her head and started whining when she saw me.

I moved to take her from B, and the minute I did, she turned and walked out.

"Umm," Nathan said awkwardly as he stared after her. He turned to me. "Sorry man. Guess it was too much for her. I'm sure she'll come around."

I just nodded in response.

Damn, I ain't even think of how B would react to seeing Serena.

"Who are you?" Serena questioned, pointing at Nathan.

"Hey, I'm Nate." He said with a smile.

She smiled in return.

Too damn friendly.

"Can I sit there?" He pointed to the chair beside hers.

She nodded, taking a bite of her burger and chewing.

"Nice to meet you Nate. I'm Serena but daddy calls me Rena."

"Nice to meet you too Serena." Nathan smiled, then grabbed his food and started eating. "Thanks for the food, August."

I joined them at the table and grabbed my burger and fries, then opened the container of mashed potatoes for Angel.

The table was silent as we ate.

I noticed Serena glancing at Angel every now and then.

Once we finished, I cleaned up the table then sat back down and cleared my throat.

"I guess you're wondering who she is, right?" I nodded my head at Angel and Serena nodded. "Her name is Angel."

"Angel?" She tilted her head to the side. "Like the ones in Heaven with God and stuff?"

Nate and I chuckled.

"Cute kid." He stood. "I'll go check on her."

I turned back to Rena.

"Nah baby...well kinda. That's why she was named that, cause she's like an angel."

"Cool!" She exclaimed. "Is she Nate's baby?"

Hell nah.

"No, actually she's mine. Angel is my daughta."

She scrunched her face up.

"Sooooo, she's my sister?"

"Yes." I nodded.

"Well that makes me mad." She huffed and crossed her arms.

Aw hell.

This is what I was tryna avoid.

"Why you mad Rena?"

"Cause mama didn't tell me she had another baby. That's mean." She pouted.

"Oh, um..." I mentally groan.

This is harder than I thought.

"Come here baybeh." I patted my leg and she reluctantly made her way onto my lap. "Angel isn't your mom's daughta."

"Sooo, she's not my sister?"

"She is still ya sister, y'all just have different mamas. She's your half sister."

"My half sister?" I nodded, and she squinted her eyes at Angel. "But she doesn't look like half a sister."

"Not like that sweetie." I smiled.

"I know daddy, that was a joke." She giggled. "But where is Angel's mommy?"

"She's here too. She doesn't feel good right now but you'll meet her later."

"Oh okay." She said, then suddenly gasped. "Wait! Does this mean I have to share a room with Angel cause she's my sister? I like having my own room."

"No baybeh you can still have your own room."

"Okay good. Then she can stay." She sighed dramatically.

I shook my head at her.

This child is something else.

She leaned across my lap to Angel and grinned at her.

"Hi Angel, I'm your big sister Serena but you can call me Rena."

Angel stared back at her, sucking on her fingers.

Serena looked at me and asked, "She doesn't talk much huh?"

"Must babies don't talk much at first Rena." I shrugged.

Angel smiled then and released a little giggle.

"I think she likes me." Serena smiled. "I like her too."

I couldn't help the smile that slid on my face.

"Good baybeh. That's makes daddy really happy." I said, kissing the top of her head. "So you like your surprise?"

"I mean I reaaally wanted that pony but," She shrugged. "This is pretty great too."

She laughed at the look I give her.

What do you think?

•Is Bethany wrong for reacting the way that she did?

•Angel and Serena's meeting?

Tell me what you think!

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