We'll Be Together

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Hope woke up and looked around, realizing she was on her father's ship. She got up and went to Gold's shop, hiding behind every corner to avoid contact with everyone on the way.

"Well, look who it is," he said when she walked in.

"I need your help with something."

"Does your father know you're here?" He asked and she stayed quiet.

"What is it that you need?"

"The Black Fairy is still here and I'm starting to think that the only way to defeat darkness is with darkness, so maybe we can beat her if we use our magic against her."

"Are you willing to risk your pure magic becoming dark?" He questioned. She hesitated, then nodded.

"Mommy and Daddy will help me if I go dark. Let's just stop her before she does anything else."

"I make deals, dearie, not favors."

"Good thing this satisfies us both then," she told him and grabbed a pager from beside the cashier, then opened the door to leave.

"What do you think you're doing? That is called theft, little one."

"When she shows up, I'll press this button and you can show up to help me, okay?" Hope said and left.

She was walking down unpopulated sidewalks to avoid people, and to lure the fairy to her. She looked around the unfamiliar area, wondering why such a beautiful view had not been seen as often. Suddenly, she was flown back onto the ground, and the pager fell out of her pocket and landed a couple feet away from her.

"I've tried to play nice, Hope, now you've left me no choice but to kill you and rip the magic from your soul," the Black Fairy said. Hope looked at the pager, then got up and ran to it. She rapidly pressed the button, until it was taken from her hand and landed in the fairy's.

"What's this? Do you suppose this little thing will save you?" She asked, then crushed it.

"You shouldn't have done that."

"Hello Mother," Rumple said, appearing out of a cloud of black vapor. Hope smiled and the fairy frowned.

"You are helping this child? What for?"

"Because, just like her, I want you dead," he said and shoved his hand into her chest. He searched for her heart, but couldn't find it.


"I'm shocked you still think of me as a fool, Rumple," she said, then Emma and Killian showed up. Hope, Gold, and the fairy looked back at them. They ran up to Hope.

"No, you have to go! Now!" Hope yelled, pushing away from them.

"We aren't going to leave you here with the bloody crocodile and his evil mother," Hook said.

"Sorry," she said and teleported them back home.

"Give up," the fairy said.


Magic was being thrown from three places, then after a couple of minutes, they paused.

"I've grown tired of these games," the fairy said, then black fog began to spill over the ground.

"What the hell is that?" Gold asked.

"If I can't have more magic, then magic might as well be taken from everybody," she said and smiled.

"What does that even mean?" Hope asked.

"It means that the town will be cursed like it was before your mother broke it, except this time, there will be no savior," the fairy told her. Hope looked wide-eyed at her, then ran as fast as she could back home.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She yelled when she ran in the door. They ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

"You cannot do that again, Hope. We can't lose you, alright?" Killian said. Those choice of words made Hope begin to cry.

"What's wrong?" Emma asked.

"I didn't win, she's making everyone forget who they are, like Regina did. She said this time that nobody could save us. I'm so sorry," she said through sobs. They both slowly hugged her and began to tear up as well.

"We'll get through this, goodness always wins," Emma told her daughter.

"I don't want to forget you guys, I'll miss you too much," Hope cried. They stood up and Killian picked up his daughter.

"Don't cry little lass, we'll be together," he told her with a smile, then wiped one of her tears away. She wrapped her arms around his neck and cried on his shoulder. He set he down, then ran into Emma's arms. They looked out the window and saw the smoke coming, then they all huddled together as close as they could and waited for the curse to take them away.

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