Did It Work?

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Hope opened her eyes and got up. She looked around the room and saw her family crying.

"It's okay, I'm okay now," she said, walking up to Emma, giving her a hug. Hope pulled back and still saw Emma crying.

"Mommy, I'm awake."

Hope felt a sharp pain of sadness when Emma turned around and sobbed into Killian's chest.


She turned around and saw two Henry's. One looking at her and one unconscious on the bed, then she looked at her bed and saw her own body covered with scrapes and bruises.

"What's happening?" She asked.

"We're in a coma," he told her.

"What does that mean?"

"It means that only you and I can talk to each other. In the real world, we are asleep and nobody knows we are here," he said. Henry purposely left out the detail that they had a slim chance of living.

"Well what if I healed us with my magic?" Hope asked, then went over to Henry and waved her hand over the gash on his arm, and it healed. She looked back up at him with joy.

"That only worked in our dream, Hope. I'm sorry, but we can't do anything, but keep fighting," he said.

"Fight what?"

Henry got up and looked at her, then gulped.

"They don't know if we are going to make it."

"Make what, cookies? I love cookies," she told him. His head fell in shame of having to tell his little sister that they might die.

"No, the doctors don't know if we will wake up," he told her, then her joyous eyes quickly turned to fright and despair.

"You mean, we are going to die?"

"No, we will wake up," Henry told her, convincing himself more than her.

"But you just said-"

"I know, but we are the grandchildren of Snow White and Prince Charming, and the children of Emma Swan. But you are also the daughter of Captain Hook. If there is anyone who can overcome this, it's us."

"I'm not brave like them though," she told him.

"Yes you are, now come on," he said and grabbed her hand.

"Dr. Whale said that they might not come back," Emma said to Killian as she walked in their house. He got up and ran to her and held her in his arms.

"They are a tough lad and lass."

"I know, but-"

"Swan, they will overcome this." He told her, then held her tighter. He let go and Emma went to bed. When she fell asleep, Killian left and went to the hospital.

"Where are we going?" Hope questioned.

"We are going to try and see if we can communicate with them," Henry told her, then went into Gold's shop.

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