I'll Bet It's Neverland

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Hope ran to her house and saw a hole in the wall from the outside. Killian and Emma rushed out, not noticing that their daughter was in the yard.

"It got away?" Hope questioned. They both stopped in their tracks and turned around. Emma walked up to her and bent down.

"We will find it, it's going to be okay," she told her.

"No, I don't want you to," Hope said.

"Why not?"

"Because you and Daddy are going to get hurt."

Killian and Emma looked at her worriedly.

"What do you mean, love?" Hook asked.

"When I was asleep at grandma and grandpa's, I saw you guys and it was killing you," Hope said with tears in her eyes. Emma picked her up and hugged her, and Killian wrapped his arm around them.

"It was just a dream, we will be fine," Emma said.

"Aye, love."

Emma set her down and wiped away her tears.

"Now, you're going to go back to Grandma's and sleep, okay?" She said and Hope nodded. Snow and Charming ran up to them, out of breath.

"How did you run so fast?" David asked.

"She ran away?" Emma asked them.

"Yeah, she thought you guys were in danger and bolted out the door."

"Okay, well we need you guys to take her again, and don't let her escape."

Hope looked at her mom with snake eyes.

"Bloody hell, I'm standing right in front of you," she said, earning everyone's reaction of pure shock. David was shooting daggers at Killian who chuckled and Emma hit him in the arm. Hope looked amused at everyone.

"You can't say that Hope," Emma said.

"I tried telling you and Daddy that in the magic land, but you wouldn't listen to me," she said, matter-of-factly. They all looked around at each other, wondering what to do about it.

Suddenly, the shadow came swooping back and grabbed Hope, but Killian grabbed onto her leg. David, Snow, and Emma helped try to pull her down, but the shadow wouldn't lose it's grip on her.

"Daddy!" Hope yelled, then whimpered. Hook held on with all of his strength, but the shadow yanked her away. They all watched with their mouths slightly open as she flew away. 

The four of them looked down at the ground, overwhelmed with shock and sadness. Killian looked up, then marched away.

"Where are you going?" Emma asked him, grabbing his arm to turn him around.

"I'm going to find our daughter," he said, and continued to his ship. Emma followed him and he untied the ropes that held the ship to the dock. 

"Do you know where they went?" She asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I'll bet it's Neverland."

Killian went to the dock to pull up the ramp, only to be greeted by Henry.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked.

"That damn shadow took Hope and we are going to get her back."

"I can help," Henry said, and got on the ship. After he boarded, Hook gathered up everything and set sail.

"What is this place?" Hope asked. She stood up and looked around and saw a boy facing away from her.

"Why, it's Neverland, of course, home of the lost boys," he said and turned around, carving out of a twig.

"But I'm a girl, and I'm only lost because you stole me from my parents," she said, making him smile.

"Quite a witty one, aren't you?" He said and threw the stick on the ground.

"I don't know what that means, but sure."

"Well, little girl, this is your home now."

"But you just said that it was home of the lost boys, why do you want me?"

"Let's just say that your father and I have unfinished business," he said and smirked at her.

"So, you are Peter Pan. I thought you were supposed to be nice," she told him. He slowly came face to face with her.

"Do you honestly think that being the leader of orphaned children would make me nice?" He asked, and she gulped. He backed away and picked up his stick again.

"That's how the movie went," she said.

"Movie- what are you talking about? I bring these boys here to teach them the truth. Their parents never cared for them and neither do yours. In the ending, they are going to abandon you just like the rest of them," he said.

"You don't know that."

"Don't I? I've known Captain Hook for well over a century and I can tell you that he never keeps his word."

She looked down at her hands, then back up at him.

"What's a century?"

Pan cocked his head, then let out a laugh. He thought that she would be easy to manipulate since she seems gullible.

"All you need to know is that you are all alone here, nobody can save you. This time, I've made sure that no one can save anyone from this island."

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