Is He Going To Die?

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"What's going on?" Hope asked as she walked down the stairs. Killian and Emma were sitting at the kitchen table. They stood up and walked to her.

"Happy birthday!" Emma exclaimed and kissed her on the forehead. They both looked down at their daughter who had a disgusted face.

"I don't want anymore birthdays," she said and walked over to the couch.

"What? Why not?"

"Because there's too many things that could go wrong. The Black Fairy is still around here somewhere and I don't want to celebrate knowing that my family could be in danger."

Emma and Killian looked at each other and shook their heads.

"What?" Hope asked. Killian walked over and sat next to her.

"I once told your mother that you have to live your life during a crisis, or you might miss it."

"Did she listen?"

Hook looked up at Emma who was staring back at him, then he looked down with a smile.

"For the most part," he replied. Hope sighed and threw her head back against to sofa cushion. Killian stood up and grabbed her hand.

"Come on, let's go," he said, tugging her a little.


"We are going to celebrate your birthday, regardless of the possible dangers in Storybrooke. You only turn eight once."

She stood up and Emma helped her put her tiny jacket on, then they went out the door.

They went to the grocery store to get a birthday cake and food for lunch on the beach.

"I want that one," Hope said, pointing plain vanilla cake.

"Out of everything, you want this one?" Emma asked as she grabbed the cake, and Hope nodded.

"Okay, what would you like for lunch?"

Hope led the two through every isle, then got to the meat isle.

"What's this?" She questioned as she picked up the mysteriously packaged meat.

"Bloody hell, love, choose something else," Killian told her, then took the bologna and threw it back into the fridge.

She eventually chose to just go to Granny's for lunch, but they still got in line to buy the cake.

"That will be $6.50," the cashier said in a thick accent. She looked up with a smile at the family, and their faces went from shock, to rage. Without hesitation, Hope flung her hand back and shoved the Black Fairy across the store with her hand. Emma and Killian protectively pushed Hope behind them, then faced the Black Fairy as she stood up.

"Nice to see you again, savior," she said and laughed.

"Don't come any closer," Hook warned.

"Oh right, like you could do anything to hurt me, pirate," she said and lifted her arms and formed a ball of magic.

"Can we at least take this outside? There's no need to bother the poor customers trying to get some food," Hope said. She didn't try to act serious anymore because she was so used to fighting. All three adults looked at her like she was insane.


"Alright, then I will have everyone see their savior finally fail," she said and poofed away.

"What did you just do?" Emma asked curiously. Hope grabbed both of her parents hands and froze them in place with her magic.

"The first step in defeating her, making sure you guys are safe," she said and started out the door.

"No, Hope. What did I tell you about sacrificing yourself? This isn't what heroes do, do not walk out that door," Killian pleaded. She turned around to her parents once she reached the door. 

"I'm sorry," she said and left.

"Hope!" She heard her mother yell, but continued.

"Ah, so I get to duel with the child of the savior and the pirate. Such an honor, Hope."

"What are you really here for? Isn't there an easier way to get it without hurting the people of this town?"

"Well, I'm here for you. Your magic, to be precise. I just needed to get rid of your overprotective parents first so they didn't interfere, but it seems that you have already done the job for me," the Black Fairy said.

"What is so special about my powers that you will stop at nothing to get them?"

"Don't you know? You have the magic of the product of true love, which is also the product of true love. You have the most powerful magic of all, but since you don't realize it, you obviously don't need it," she said and blasted a ball of magic at Hope, which she dodged.

"If I have this powerful magic, why do you think you can compete?" Hope asked, then threw a larger ball of light magic at the Black Fairy.

"I guess you could say villains love a challenge," she said and pushed her down after poofing in front of her.

The Black Fairy held a dagger to Hope's throat, then Hope squinted and gulped. Suddenly, the Black Fairy was knocked a couple feet away from Hope by magic, but it wasn't her. She picked her head up and smiled.

"Mommy!" She said with joy, then Hope swung her head back towards the Black Fairy. Hook scooped Hope up, then ran into the store and set her down, while Emma fought off the fairy. He set her down and she tried to run back out the door, but Killian picked her up again.

"I have to go out there, Daddy! Mommy needs help!" She said and tried squirming out of his grip.

"You have to stay right here while I go help Emma. Do not go anywhere," he commanded. She gave him and angry face, but he could tell she understood, then he set her down and ran back outside to defend his wife.

Hope watched out of the window as her parents continued to fight the evil fairy. Emma and Hook seemed to be winning, which seemed to only make the fairy stronger. While Killian kept jabbing his sword at her, Emma used her magic. Eventually, he managed to scratch her cheek with his blade, then she stopped and looked at the couple with fire in her eyes.

"I've had enough of this," she said and with the most force out of all her throws, she aims a fireball at Emma.

"No!" Killian yelled and jumped in front of her, taking the hit. He fell to the ground unconscious, then the Black Fairy laughed and poofed away. Emma dropped her sword, then ran over to him.

"Killian?" She said with clear sorrow in her voice and tears forming in her eyes. Hope rushed out of the store and to her parents.

"Mommy, what's going to happen to Daddy?" She fearfully asked and put a hand on Emma's shoulder.

"I don't know, baby," Emma replied and put her hand on top of Hope's. Hope started to cry, then fell to the ground.

"Is he going to die?"

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