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You know, this time I didn't fall into a deep depression like last time.
I felt great.
By great I mean, remember that anger I was holding in when trying not to yell at Hoseok?
That anger feels like relief and it makes me feel great inside.
I know exactly how I want to release it.
I know how I'm going to release it.
Stray Kids has a fan meet today and I will make a guest appearance.
But not for the reason they think I will.
I put my clothes on when Hoseok knocked on my door.

||I put my clothes on when Hoseok knocked on my door

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I opened the door and he walked in.
"You look nice for ruining your ex's life," Hoseok said sarcastically.
I shrugged.
"I mean why not? If I'm going to snap, why not look a-slay while doing it?" I said picking up my phone off the charger.
Hoseok chuckled at my comment.
"Well, the car is waiting for you outside. Have fun," Hoseok said winking at me.
I winked back.
I left the room and the apartment.
I got into the car and we drove to the center.
The lobby was empty which was good.
I got escorted back stage by security.
Their manager appeared from backstage.
"Oh, hello, Gi Gi. What brings you here?" He said.
I smiled and lied slyly.
"Well, I thought I'd come and visit Chan and his fans. I want to see how these fan meets go. That wouldn't be a problem, would it?" I said.
He gave me slit eyes and shook his head.
I thanked him by bowing and slowly walked into the stage.
Seungmin being the person he is already saw me since he had been looking around.
He silently waved at me and I waved back.
Chan was talking to the fans when I came behind him and covered his eyes.
My plan was: To make him feel as if I know nothing, get comfortable with everyone, and then sNaP.
"Guess who," I said smiling at everyone.
"Hmm. The best girlfriend in the world?" Chan said.
I rolled my eyes and thought to myself: Sure.
I uncovered his eyes and he looked at me.
I smiled and kissed him on the forehead.
Everyone awed.
Chan and I walked to the front of the stage and sat down. We talked to everyone and I could tell the audience was so happy about getting to see their two most favorite people ever. (For those who like me)
"So, why are you here, Gi Gi?" Chan asked.
I smiled mischievously and took the microphone from him.
"I'm sorry. But Chan is not being honest with everyone. I'm also sorry in advanced for the following. I hope it doesn't stop anyone from liking me less," I apologized.
Chan looked at me puzzled, as so did everyone else.
"You see, "Channy," here has a fiancé. And it's not me. No no no. I don't know her name but she lives in the same building as I and the rest of BTS. I caught him. He doesn't know it. But I have a witness, too," I smiled at Chan and he looked shocked.
"Chan never brought me flowers. He brought her flowers. He's going to marry her. They have been having sex, I figured out," I explained.
I looked over at him with contempt. And shook my head.
"You said you, loved me, you said you'd never hurt me, and you said you cared. You took my virginity. You said it was your first time, too. But I have to find out the hard way that you've been lying. A fucking fiancé. You hurt me. Deeply. I thought I found the one. I want her to know this," I said.
I signaled people to take out their phones.
"You are a fucking liar."
"I don't ever want to see your ugly face ever again."
"Thank you all for listening. Someone send the video to my Instagram for a follow back :). I'll see you never Channy," I snapped again.
I walked off the stage.
Seungmin quickly followed behind me.
I left everyone in shock and silence.
"I was so stupid for believing it was real," I said.
"I'm sorry. That you had to find out that way," Seungmin said from behind me.
I turned around.
"Aw. You shouldn't be apologizing, Seungmin. It's not your fault," I said pinching his cheeks.
"No. I knew the whole time. I wanted to tell you but Chan...." Seungmin said.
I shook my head.
"Chan prevented me. He took my phone and blocked you on everything. Just to make sure he took my phone, too," He said.
"It's still not your fault."

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