🌹The 'Rose'Album🌹

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I am so happy to be back!
I leave to Las Vegas this Wednesday.
This chapter was prewritten but I wanted to update it before I published it.
Hope you enjoy!
After we ran through the songs, I was shocked at how good I sounded.
"Omg! Yoongi, it sounds amazing!" I yelled as I hugged him.
"I'm glad you like it Gi Gi. You sound amazing in all the songs. Especially the one with your cousin. You both have really nice voices. Does it run in the family?" Yoongi said.
"Well, my grandparents used to sing together. Their music was hidden but my mother would let me listen to it before I went to bed. I loved listening to their music. Their voices were so nice and angelic," I said.
"Interesting. I'm glad you decided to become an artist, Gi Gi. Especially, accepting to join BTS," Yoongi said.
"Aw, thanks hyung. I've never seen this side of you before. Is it new?" I said then giggling.
"Ok, I take back what I said!" He said before turning back around to his desk.
"No! I'm kidding!" I yelled as I grabbed his arm.
"Ok, when do you want to release your album?" Yoongi aksed.
"Now! Release it now!" I said.
Yoongi nodded.
We had released on ITunes.
It surfaced quickly.
All over Instagram.
And Twitter.
I posted on Twitter.
Make sure to check out my album, Rose. Available on ITunes now! - Gi Gi~
I jumped in excitement.
I had released my first album.
I also needed to let my cousin know.
Josie (caramel apple): Night~
Gi Gi: I just released the album! You should listen to it because we both sound so good!
Josie (caramel apple): Of course! I'm already listening to it! You sound so good!
Gi Gi: ty! I'll talk to you later ok?
Josie (caramel apple): ok, ttyl
"Yoongi. I love you so much!" I said hugging him again.
He nodded.
"Gi Gi, you sounded so good in the album! I'm so proud of you!" Vernon said picking me up then twirling me around.
"I'm glad you like it. It means so much to me that not only the fans love it but you love it," I said then kissed him on the cheek.
"Aw. By the way, who was the guy that sung with you on your song, Too Far?" Vernon asked.
"Oh. Josie. He's my cousin. He had always wanted to be noticed for his singing. He said he wants to become an idol. I encourage him because he has an amazing voice!" I said.
"It's obvious he has an amazing voice! He sung with you. To be honest, it sounded like it was a battle between the both of you on who is better at singing," Vernon said then started to laugh.
I punched him in the arm.
"Kidding. You sounded great," Vernon concluded.
I blushed.
"But I would love to meet Josie. He sounds like more of a brother than a cousin," Vernon said.
"Honestly, I see him as more of a brother than my cousin. He was mostly there for me when Mark wasn't. So, sometimes I would call him my big brother," I said.
"He sounds like a nice guy. I would love to meet him. And the rest of your family," He said.
I laughed.
"Ok, Vernon. Can we wait until our 1 year anniversary. Maybe, then you can meet my parents," I said.
He nodded.
"You can meet Josie. He is here for college anyways. He goes to Sogang. He is also a part time model," I said.
He nodded.
"Give me a time and date and I'll be there!" Vernon said.
I laughed.

SongsForeverForever Pt

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Forever Pt.2 ft. Vernon
Too Far ft. Kim Josie
Your Feature
Lie of Love ft. Youngjae
Dream Your Dream

That was short.
I'm sorry😭😭
The next one will be long I promise.
Thank you for reading though!

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