🦋An Almost Unknown Secret🦋

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"I don't think its a good idea, Gi Gi," Dominic said.
I sighed.
This choice means a lot in my life.
"Go Big or Go Home."
Is what my dad would say.
"What if there was another way?" I asked putting my chopsticks down.
Dominic shook his head.
"Usually that "other way" is the bad way. Just make a choice. Its either leave or stay," He said.
I looked back down at my kimchi noodles.
I could take the money and run or stay and still have my family.
"I want to stay. I never thought I would make it this far. For me to ditch everyone over ₩200,000,000 and C$233,200 (Canadian dollars), would be selfish and wrong," I said.
"Yeah. But think about it. You could go back home and open that restaurant for your parents. And become the solo artist that you originally wanted to be!" Dominic said.
I pouted.
"But as the person you are, I say stay and be with the people that mean the most to you," Dominic said.
I smiled.
"Yep. That's the right way," I said.
"So, that is my final decision," I stated.
PD-nim smiled.
"We are so glad you made that decision. BTS will be proud that you are staying," PD-nim said.
"Thank you," I said leaving.

"You're back," Jungkook said.
I nodded.
"So, what was your decision?" He said.
"I'm staying with BTS!!" I screamed.
"Really!? That's great!" Jungkook said running over to me and twirling me around.
"I know! I will never leave this group. Not for the world," I said.
"I'm so glad you're here to stay," Jungkook said.
He looked into my eyes dilated.
They sparkled and pulled me in never wanting me to back out.
Eventually our lips made contact.
Our moment was eventually interrupted when the door to the apartment opened.
We pulled away faster than light.
Jungkook and I fidgeted and scooted away from each other slightly.
Tae and Yeontan walked inside and paused.
"Oh, Gi Gi you're back. What did you decide?" Tae said taking the leash off of Yeontan.
"Oh um... I decided to stay," I said smiling.
"Oh that's amazing, Gi Gi!" Tae said hugging me.
"Yeah," I said hesitantly looking at Jungkook.
"Well, I'm gonna feed Yeontan and Nector. You should tell the others," Tae said.
I nodded.
I pulled Jungkook into the hallway making sure to close the door behind us.
"Jungkook please don't mention this to anyone. Especially, Jimin," I said.
"I won't, don't worry. Our secret is safe. I'm sorry I kissed you. It was just really hard not to when we were in the moment," Jungkook said.
"Its fine. Please, just try to keep it a secret," I said.
Jungkook nodded.
We walked back inside and found Tae sitting on the couch.
The TV was turned on but he wasn't watching it.
Jungkook left to his room and I went over to the couch.
I sat next to Tae, making him slightly bounce up.
"So, Tae, what else did you do besides walk Yeontan?" I asked.
"Well, I went into the city and went shopping. I bought some white Gucci flip flops and other clothes. I ate with Suga-hyung. Walked Yeontan and came home. Btw, why were you and Jungkook just standing at the doorway?" Tae said.
"Oh, I had came home s-shortly before you and I was talking to Jungkook about my uh decision, so then you came in," I said nervously.
Tae's face turned into a very suspicious look.
As if his eyes were trying to get me to spill what really went on.
I eventually escaped the gaze by looking at the TV which was muted by Tae during our conversation.
"Hey, since you're not watching TV, can I watch to catch up on my drama?" I asked reaching for the remote.
Tae snatched it out of its place before my hand could even reach it.
"What really happened before I walked in?" He asked then turned the TV off.
"What do you mean!? Give me the remote!" I yelled grabbing at it but Tae, kept pulling back even further from my grasp.
"Spill," He said seriously.
I stopped my actions and began to speak.
"Jungkook and I kissed," I said.
Tae plopped his arms back down on the sofa and started to smile.
Which eventually turned into a laugh.
"Why were you so hesitant to tell me?" He said chuckling.
"I thought you would overreact or be disappointed," I said.
He shook his head.
"No. Secrets are better told, than kept," Tae said.
I smiled.
"This isn't the first time you've kissed someone and I haven't known," Tae said his eyes turning wide.
My eyes turned wide as well.
"Wait you know about...!?" I gasped.
Tae nodded.
"How do you know about him?" I asked.
"Remember when I met you at the park? Yup, I saw the whole thing," Tae said.
"You're lucky no one else knows. Otherwise, you could stir up some gossip and rumors," Tae said.
I sighed.
Tae handed me the remote and my expression changed from serious to happy once again.
"Thank you!" I said turning the TV back on.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Thanks for reading!

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