❤️Goodbye, Bestfriend❤️

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This is going to get sad.
Maybe not for you, but for me.
"Tae, I'm going shopping with Lisa, can you watch Nector?" I asked Tae grabbing my keys.
"Of course. Chicken but no meatloaf," He said.
"You got it," I said pointing to Tae.
Nector walked over to me and pawed me on my leg.
"Don't worry. I'll be back before you know it," I said picking up Nector to give him a kiss.
I put him down and left.
I walked out of the apartment building.
In front Lisa had waited.
"Hi, Lisa! I'm so glad you were able to hang out with me. We barely hang," I said.
"Yeah. I'm glad I was able to hang with you too. I've been dying to go on a shopping spree," Lisa said.
"How is everyone?" Lisa asked.
"Everyone's fine. I'm feeling better after that whole thing between Vernon and I. And we're all great," I said.
"All, Gi Gi. I know what you did wasn't on purpose. People just have to understand that. So, don't let all the negativity get you down," Lisa said.
I smiled at her comment.
We arrived at the shopping center.
(I'm going to include American shops)
All of my personal favorite store, Forever 21, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Sephora, Hollister.
It was all there.
(Reader POV)
"Ok, Nector. It's time for you to eat," Tae yelled from the kitchen.
Usually, Nector would respond with a meow or just walk into the kitchen.
But none of that happened.
Tae called again,"Nector! Food!"
No response, no cat.
He began to worry.
Tae searches through all the possible rooms he could've went to.
Except for Gi Gi's.
He usually either took a nap in Jungkook and his' room or in the living room.
But when he wasn't in neither of those rooms Tae worried.
He finally bit the stick and went into Gi Gi's room.
He saw Nector lying there.
Eyes closed and everything.
He sighed of relief and went to to gently wake the cat up.
"Nector, wake up," Tae said as he scratched Nector's belly.
Nector didn't respond.
Usually, Nector would perk up and enjoy the scratch but he didn't move at all.
Tae places his head on top of Nector's belly to listen for a heart beat.
There was nothing.
No stomach rose and fell.
No breathing.
Tae couldn't believe it.
"Nector... please don't do this," Tae said tears starting to form in his eyes.
He shook the unconscious cat.
"Please...," He choked out under a feeling of beginning to cry.
Nector didn't respond.
"At least you passed away peacefully," Tae said holding the cat to his chest.
"Ooh, Lisa what do you think about thi—" I was interrupted by my phone ringing.
It was Tae.
"Who is it, Gi Gi?" Lisa asked.
"It's Tae," I responded.
I answered concerned.
"Hello. Is something wrong, Tae?" I said.
"Yes... Nector.. passed," Tae choked out while sobbing.
"What do you mean Nector passed!?" I yelled the whole store hearing me.
"Just come home!" Tae yelled then hung up.
"Wait, What about Nector!?" Lisa asked.
"We need to go home, now!" I said grabbing Lisa by the wrist and dragging her out the store.
We arrived back at the apartment.
I fumbled with my keys to unlock the door.
"Slow down, Gi Gi!" Lisa said.
I opened the door.
No one was in the living area.
I heard small sobs coming from my room.
Lisa and I rushed to my room.
There sat Tae and Nector sitting on the bed.
Nector had his eyes closed and made no movements.
Tae held Nector in his arms and tried to wipe away every tear that came down from his eyes.
I began to cry.
"No! Not my baby!" I yelled as I rushed over to Tae and Nector.
I collapsed on the side of the bed kneeling.
I cried so hard into the sheets.
I rose and eventually got a hold of Nector.
"Please wake up, Nector! Please don't leave me," I said holding his paw in my hand.
Lisa came by my side and started to rub my back.
I witnessed a tear fall from her cheek.
She wiped it away quickly thinking that I wouldn't notice but I did.
I squeezed Nector's paw tight.
We were getting ready for a concert.
I was sitting in the chair getting my hair done.
I looked depressed, tired and pale.
I looked sick and it showed.
I stayed unbothered until the performance.
I took most of my time looking at old photos of Nector and I.

I took most of my time looking at old photos of Nector and I

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