😡💖Flirting With Another Idol😡💖

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I was browsing instagram while Jin and Jungkook sat beside me monitoring my moves.
We tuned into the explore page and laughed at the memes that Armys had made up of us.
I saved some of them so I could go back and laugh at them again.
I then got a DM from BM of KARD.
We had been talking for about 3 weeks now.
It was only a friendship and nothing more.
The only reason I met BM was because we bumped into each other at the gym.
I also did some choreographies with him that we made up.
But it was nothing more than a friendship.
Jungkook and Jin got up from the couch.
"Where are you guys going?" I asked in confusion.
"Oh. We're gonna head out to get some takeout," Jin said.
"But you can call and order it. Plus, you cook Jin!" I said.
"Uh..," Jin struggled to answer before Jungkook pulled him out the door.
I felt weirded out.
Like they were hiding something.
Or they felt awkward.
I got back to Instagram to answer the DM.
BM: Hey. You free for dance practice?
Gi Gi: Yeah, I guess.
Gi Gi: Everyone has left me and I have no plans.
Gi Gi: I guess we could hang.
BM: Cool. Meet me at the studio.
Gi Gi: Ok, see you then.
I got up and put on so me dance appropriate clothing.

——I got up and put on so me dance appropriate clothing

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I fed Nector and headed out to the studio.
When I got to the studio, BM was sitting on the couch and drinking water as if he had been dancing already.
"Hey, you came," He said getting up from the couch.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I said.
He shook his head.
"No, reason. I just thought you wouldn't because of the timing," He explained.
"No. You're one of my friends. I will always be there. Unless, I'm extremely busy," I said.
We laughed.
"Ok, so let's start on our new choreography," He said.
We walked to the middle of the room and we began to run through the movements.
The song we were doing was Havana by Camilla Cambello.
The dance was a little bit sexual but not too sexual.
We paused for a 5 minute break to drink water and catch our breath.
"So, no one was available to hang with you?" BM asked taking a sip of his water.
I nodded my head.
"Pretty much. Jin and Jungkook were sitting with me, but they left to eat "takeout"," I said.
He looked at me confused the same way I did when they said they were going to eat takeout.
"Yeah, that was my face too," I said.
"Who wouldn't want to hang with you? You're so.... likable. Where was Vernon?" BM said.
"Vernon was busy with dance practice and other things," I said.
"What kind of other things?" He asked.
I shrugged.
"I don't know. Work. Singing," I said.
BM hmed.
"How long has it been since you two last hung out?" BM asked.
I hesitated to tell him.
"Around... 2 months," I said.
It hit me.
Both Vernon and I were too busy to even talk to each other.
He didn't ask me how I was anymore, he didn't talk to me, and he never made time to meet me.
Now, I wonder if he even loves me or even remembers me at the most.
"Let's finish this choreography," I said getting up.
We continued to dance and eventually there was a part where BM and I got really close.
I was feeling the mood so I did something I was going to regret.
I kissed him.
It was a smooth kiss that eventually turned into a french kiss.
I pulled away.
The tension in the room became awkward.
"Well. You're a good kisser," BM said.
I blushed really hard.
"I think I should go," I said.
BM nodded.
"See you at the gym tomorrow," He said.
I nodded before exiting the studio.
On the walk back home to the apartment building, rapid thoughts ran through my mind.
I just kissed another idol.
I just cheated on Vernon.
I really hope he doesn't find out.
But who cares if he does.
He doesn't talk to me anymore.
Never answers my calls or texts.
I got into the apartment and placed my keys on the kitchen counter.
Jungkook and Taehyung sat on the couch.
I walked over to them where they fidgeted with their hands and fingers.
They seemed nervous.
"What's wrong with you two?" I asked crossing my arms.
They stayed quiet.
"If you don't speak, I will take away your privileges to use my Netflix account," I said.
"No no no no no!" They both pleaded.
"We uh...," Jungkook started.
Tae scratched his head.
"We saw you and BM at the studio," Tae finished.
My eyes widened.
"You weren't Vliving, were you?" I asked.
They nodded.
"Are you serious!? Why were you two even at our studio!? And why were you living so late!?" I yelled and pressed for answers.
"We wanted to surprise you. But we didn't think you would be with BM," Jungkook said.
"Why would you think I wouldn't be with BM if it's our studio?" I asked.
They shrugged.
"How much of our scene did you get?" I asked.
"Well, the camera was really shaky, but you could definitely tell that you were kissing another guy," Tae said.
I placed my hand on my forehead.
"So, are you and Vernon still together?" Jungkook asked.
"Honestly... I don't know anymore," I said before leaving to my room.
I closed my door and lied down next to Nector.
I looked at the photo frame that sat on my nightstand.

I looked at the photo frame that sat on my nightstand

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My One and Only Love ❤️

Even if he wasn't talking to me, after what I did he now has the right to never talk to me.
Stressed, I decided to take a shower.
My phone rang.
It was D.O.
I didn't feel like talking to him at the moment.
I walked into the bathroom and turned to shower water on.
I closed the door.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
I had trouble with brainstorming this chapter.
But here it is.
There will be a part two.
Thanks for reading!

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