Stoneweaver - Chapter 8

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His disposition having only worsened since the previous night, Thortus had little trouble detecting the unease in those attending the meeting, even Danath showing up on time. At least none of them appeared to have had any sleep since last night, so he wasn't alone.

But given the lack of news, with no traces of Welden, anywhere, he could understand the anxiousness of everyone in attendance to get away from him, even if just back to the search which would have to be started from scratch, their prey inevitably cagier now.

He'd barely spoken since ordering the search, unwilling to let his growing rage gain the slightest foothold. He couldn't afford any appearance of weakness, of loss of control. But an eruption seemed inevitable. His nerves seemed more frayed these days, certainly more so he remembered when he built his empire. Was it just that he had more to lose now? Or was it that he had little to do? While he controlled the city, running it was delegated to his men, or the civil authorities, so while he could issue orders if he felt like it, he usually settled for being little more than a figurehead. And now he had a search to oversee, he still delegated.

The only one at the table who didn't appear nervous was Elgren, who managed his customary blank face, displaying no hint of anxiety. He'd suffered enough of his Thortus' rages in his time, and knew they'd be predominantly bluster.

Greck finished listing all the places they hadn't found Welden, careful to avoid glancing in Thortus' direction until he finished and had no choice.

His irritation building with every word, Thortus had to restrain himself to a glare. He couldn't afford an explosion, especially since he couldn't come up with any reasonable options for where else they could search. In a large city like Melmyrn, even organizing all the gangs to do a thorough search, it would take a while in the crowds currently occupying the place. And such large scale movements could spark fears of a Cleansing, with panicked retaliations. Cleansings had to be carefully organised to avoid the chance of such problems.

"Offer a bounty," he said finally. "A public one. A hundred irons for information that leads us to him, two hundred if they bring him in."

Greck's eyes widened slightly, but he quickly nodded, relieved at the calm response. He rose quickly as Thortus gestured him and the other lieutenants away, having only Elgren and Danath stay. He eyed the boy with suspicion for a moment, before stopping himself.

"Do you think he was telling the truth about Zienna?" he asked Elgren.

His friend shrugged. "He could have been trying to protect her. But then, we've no reason to think she's here other than his presence. And the mines are a dangerous place."

"He obviously escaped."

"After how many years?"

Thortus gave a slow nod. They needed to know more about his time under Lord Narvon. He shouldn't have had Narvon's emissary told about the escape, potentially losing the option of learning what he could about Narvon's operation? And could he take Welden's word that it was Narvon he was after?

"We may need to entertain the possibility he's a Stoneweaver," Elgren said.

Thinking about it, Thortus followed his reasoning. "You think that's how he escaped? But how would he have done it?"

"I'm not sure," Elgren admitted. "Given the time it took to reach the window, I don't see how he could have activated anything and gotten clear, but without doing so I don't see how he could have survived the fall in any state to get away."

"There are rumours Narvon's men have access to gemstones we don't know about," Danath offered.

Elgren gave this a slight nod. "He could have stolen something when he got away, I suppose. I never knew he had the talent, so if he did he kept it quiet."

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